日本財団 図書館

・ January [June]: The Escort Officers and Cadets should be selected and given as much information as the Host country has supplied.

1. An Exchange Registration Form ISCA l [Annexure 1] should be sent to the Escort Officer and Cadets selected.

2. Those persons under the age of 18 must also submit an Indemnity and Waiver Form ISCA 3 [Annexure 2].

3. Both these documents must be forwarded to the Host country and a copy given to the Escort Officer.

4. Any fund raising to cover the cost of air travel must begin.

5. Passports must be applied for - it can take 3 months in certain countries for the applicants to receive their passports.


・ March [August]: Designated Escort Officers must make contact with the cadets who will form his/her contingent.

1. The Escort Officer should require the cadets to research the country they will be visiting.

2. The Escort Officer and Cadets must start collecting suitable souvenirs and small gifts to take to the Exchange. [See Heading 10].


・ May [October]: The Escort Officer and Cadets must be provided with the kit list as per Annexure 3. They must also receive a copy of the itinerary and emergency phone numbers.


・ June [November]: Reserve tickets this month, you may be able to obtain better airfares if you purchase early.

1. Apply for visas to visit the country concerned, if necessary.

2. Buy foreign exchange and have it endorsed into the passport-this includes credit cards if the Escort Officer and Cadets have such an item.


・ July [December]: If possible gather the contingent together for a briefing. If this is not possible, the participating organisation's Headquarters should designate a suitable officer to do the briefing the day prior to the departure of the contingent.


・ September [February] Forward the Reports of each contingent to the Host country.




Good documentation is very necessary for a good Exchange. It is essential that the Host organisation make every effort to mail or fax the two most important documents early.

Visiting organisation's Headquarters MUST ensure that they return both these documents to reach the Host by the date shown at the bottom of the Registration Form ISCA 1.

It is also essential that visiting Sea Cadets under the legal age [which may vary from country to country and MUST be advised by the Host organisation] have their Parents/Guardian complete the Indemnity and Waiver Form ISCA 2. This document MUST be returned to the Host organisation together with the Registration Form ISCA 1.

A copy of both these documents must be handed to the Escort Officer and a copy must be retained by the Visiting organisations Headquarters.



It is vital that the Escort Officer be fully briefed. The Officer so selected must be given the files of each Cadet who will be part of that country's contingent. It is during this Briefing that the Escort Officer will be advised of his responsibilities.

The Escort Officer should:


・ Review the files of the Sea Cadets he will be responsible for. Special attention must be given to medical problems/complications.




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