日本財団 図書館


Communication is the life blood of any organisation and association. Good communication is essential if the entity is to prosper and provide the best suitable course of action. It is unacceptable for our Cadets to endure mistakes, delays and imitating hassles because of poor communications between member countries. It is essential that everything be "done right first time" to ensure the success of any exchange. The following procedures need to be followed and implemented:

1. EARLY communication is a prerequisite, and member countries should strive to present their initial invitations at the Annual Conference, these need not be in detail but should contain some indication of when the proposed exchange is planned and the size of the contingent.

2. SPEED of communication is desirable and most countries have access to fax communication, whilst others already have access to e-mail communication. The use of either of these method should be the communications "vehicle" wherever possible.

3. The LETTER OF INVITATION should preferably be accompanied by the prposed activities and a suitable kit list. This kit list can supplement or replace the Annexure to this Guide

4. The Host country should, if deemed necessary or desirable,advise the proposed guests of CULTURAL "Do's" and "Don't's" as well as any additional restrictions as per Sub-heading 5.

5. Countries sending contingents to participate must ensure that their Escort Officer and the Cadets KNOW as much as possible about the exchange to enable them to better prepare for their adventure.

6. The Host country must PROVIDE a list of contact telephone numbers to those countries attending the Exchange. This list must also include telephone numbers for the parents to contact in case of emergencies. These numbers should include those for the Exchange co-ordinator, programme director, host families.

7. At the culmination of the Exchange, Escort Officers and participating Cadets should submit an objective REPORT on the exchange to their respective Organisations within 60 days of arriving back home. These reports should then be forwarded to the Host country organisation. These reports should include positive recommendations to make improvements for the nest such Exchange.



Most Exchanges will take place in Summer, but remember that the Northern Summer holidays are much longer than the simultaneous Southern Winter holidays. Very often it will occur that schooling has resumed in the Southern hemisphere by the time that the Northern hemisphere Summer Exchange starts. It may thus be necessary for the Northern Hemisphere cadets to exchange with the Southern hemisphere cadets in the Southern Summer, ie December/January.

The following "CRITICAL PATH" offers guidance for the Northern hemisphere cadet organisations offering an Exchange The comparative time-scale for the Southern Hemisphere, if Exchanges take place in Summer, is shown [ ]:

・ October: Advise the Annual Conference of the planned Exechange, possible dates and probable numbers.

・ November [April]: Issue formal Letter of Invitation to all members countries. The possible date should by now have become a firm date, and the potential numbers per country should now be a definite number of Cadets and Escort Officers.

・ December [May]: Participating countries should call for nominations for Escort Officers and Cadets wishing to participate.




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