日本財団 図書館

4.23 Back up and fall back arrangements

In the event of failure of the pan-tilt device, the sensor should be capable of being fixed in the ahead position.

4.24 Safety precautions

The safety features of night vision equipment shall meet the requirements of resolution A.694(17) and IEC 60945.

4.25 Marking and identification

Night vision equipment and any ancillary equipment should be marked clearly and durably with the following data:

identification of the manufacturer;

equipment type number or model identification under which it was type tested;

serial number of the unit; and

compass safe distance.

Night vision equipment should additionally be marked in accordance with the requirements of resolution A.694(17) and IEC 60 945.

4.26 Environmental requirements

For this standard, the requirements from IMO A.694 (17) as detailed in IEC 60945 applies.

The general test conditions are defined in clause 7.

4.27 Documentation

Night vision equipment should be delivered complete with its technical documentation. Such documentation should include the following information, if applicable:

General information:


type designation;

general description of equipment; and

ancillary equipment and description;

Instructions for installation:

general installation instructions;

power supply (voltage, power consumption, frequency) and earthing information.

Operation of equipment:

description of functions, controls, display;

description of start-up procedures;

calibration of equipment and error messages;

testing capabilities of equipment;

description of software used and interfaces.

Troubleshooting; maintenance and service:

special tools required, maintenance material und spare parts (e.g. fuses, spare bulbs);

equipment care and maintenance on board HSC;

available services.

Documentation for night vision equipment should also comply with IEC 60945.





