宮村 実晴 松井 秀治* 竹之内隆志 石田 浩司
佐藤 靖丈** 片山 敬章** 諸留 克史** 島典 広**
A study for the physical fitness and daily life of elderly people
in the agricultural district of Toyama prefecture (II)
Miharu MIYAMURA, Hideii MATSUI*, Takashi TAKENOUCHI, Koji ISHIDA, Yasutake
SATOH** Kelsho KATAYAMA** Yoshifum MOROTOME** and Norihiro SHIMA**
A questionnaire and physical fitness test were employed in the agricultural district of Toyama
prefecture to obtain basic data concerning the health and physical fitness of the elderly.
A total of 46 male and female elderly subjects performed the physical fitness test both in 1997 and
1998. Blood pressure, vital capacity, body front-flexion in a sitting posture, reaction time, functional
reach, one-1eg balance (with opened and closed eyes), grip strength and shuttle stamina walk were
measured in all subjects. The health, diet, sleep and physical exercise conditions in daily life were
assessed using a questionnaire. The following results were obtained :
1) Average values of flexibility, balance ability and endurance capacity in 1998 were almost the
same as those found in 1997. There was no relationship between the increment/decrement of shuttle
walk and the increment/decrement of the amount of physical exercise.
2) In 1998, the reaction times were slightly shorter than those in 1997 Iikely due to familiarity with
the procedure, but this speculation needs further investigation.
3) No particular changes were recognized in sleep, blood pressure, diet, health or physical exercise
compared to those of 1997.
4) Maintaining health, through 1) physical exercise, 2) food and 3) work are important for elderly
(Rep. Res. Cent. Phys. Ed. 28 : 116-129, 1999)
名古屋大学総合保健体育科学センター Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University
*財団法人スポーツ医・科学研究所名誉所長 Institute of Sports Medicine and Science
**名古屋大学大学院医学研究科 Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
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