鈴木 政登 石山 育朗* 吉田 隆**
Lifestyle, morale and physical fitness of middle-aged
and elderly females
−Comparison between subjects living alone
and those living with a spouse and family−
Masato SUZUKI, Ikuo ISHIYAMA* and Takashi YOSHIDA**
To clarify the relationship between lifestyle, morale and physical fitness of middle-aged and
elderly females, We examined here the sway of the body gravity center during orthostatic standing
and one-1eg balance time with the eyes closed as a balance test, grip strength, and the stick
catching reaction as a physical fitness test. Furthenmore, regular physical activity and sports
(subjects who conducted regular exercise ; Ex, subjects who did not conduct regular exercise
; Nex) , daily job, drinking and smoking habits. as lifestyle, and morale, mental stress and life goals
as mental motivation were investigated using a questionnaire. We assessed the differences between
subjects living alone (Group I ) and those living with a spouse and family (Group II) . The subjects
were 214 healthy middle-aged and elderly (51-75 yr.) females, who lived in the Tokyo metropolitan
Results of this study were as follows ;
1 . People of I -EX Subjects exhibited better balance than those of I -Nex and II-Ex, as well
as better agility.
2 . The findings suggested that I -EX subjects were motivated in matters related to life, health
and fitness. These subjects emphasized the relationship between exercise, sports and morale more
than the subjects of Group II.
3 . Employed subjects, exhibited better balance than those who were unemployed. Many subjects
expressed increased morale because of their job. However, there were no differences in the state of
regular exercise, drinking or smoking habits between Group I and Group 11 , or between subjects
with a job and those without.
The findings suggested that middle-age and elderly females living alone, who were mativated to
perform regular exercise or sports to sustain their morale, felt that "health was the most important
thing in life.". These subjects showed increased balance and agility due to daily regular exercise.
(Rep. Res. Cent. Phys. Ed. 28 : 92-lOl, 1999)
東京慈恵会医科大学臨床検査医学 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Jikei-kai Univ. School of Medicme.
*國學院大学栃木短期大学 Physical Education Laboratory, Tochigi Jr.College, Kokugakuin University.
**足立区総合スポーツセンター Adachi City Sogoh Sports Center, Tokyo
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