日本財団 図書館


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   神野 宏司  江川 賢一  メール優子

Relationship between functional fitness and lifestyle
in community-dwelling elderly

Takashi ARAO, Yoshinori KITABATAKE, Yukio OIDA,
Hiroshi KOHNO, Kenichi EGAWA and Yuko MAHER

 To examine the association between the level of functional fitness and lifestyle, cross sectional data were obtained for 731 independently living individuals aged 65 years or older. The subjects represented 77. 9% of the whole population of independently living elderly in the rural community. Functional fitness tests and interviews were performed for all subjects. Functional fitness was measured with a simplified functional fitness test containing 4 task items : standing, walking, hand
performance, and self-care performance. Questionnaires on lifestyle such as family status, health practices, and social activities were used to assess the subjects in an interview.
 The association between functional fitness and lifestyle was examined using multifactor analysis. The results on family status showed that functional fitness was significantly associated with age in males, and with age, spouse, and history of education in females. Concerning health and social activities, functional fitness was significantly associated with time available fcr sleeping and hobbies or cultural activities in males, and with time available for sleeping and exercise or sports habits in females, after controlling age, history of stroke, physical pain in males, and age, spouse, history of education, and physical pain in females.
 The results suggest that males less than ? years of age who sleep for less than 9 hours perday, and regularly participate in hobbies or cultural activities, and females less than ? years of age who sleep for 7 to 9 hours perday, and regularly participate in exercise or sports show higher level of
functional fitness than their counterparts.
(Rep. Res. Cent. Phys. Ed. 28 : 63-70, 1999)

財団法人明治生命厚生事業団体力医学研究所 Physical Fitness Research Institute, Meiji Life Foundation of Health and Welfare

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