金久 博昭 福永 哲夫 柳谷 登志雄 小沢 治夫*
Influence of regular exercise on power output during repeated sprint
running efforts in high school students :a case study on soccer players
Hiroaki KANEHISA, Tetsuo FUKUNAGA, Toshio YANAGIYA and Haruo OZAWA*
This study was to investigate characteristics of power output during repeated sprint running
efforts in high school boys who were participating in soccer as an extra curricular activity. Subjects
were 12 high school boys (age=17.±0.2 yr, height=170.6±1.3 cm,body mass=59.7±1.1 kg,mean±SE) who
were the members of a soccer club and 8 active young adult men (27.4±1.0 yr,height= 171.2 ±1.8
cm, body mass= 76.8±3.8 kg) who have been athletes in the past. The subjects repeated 10 maximal
sprint running efforts for 5 seconds with an interval of 10 seconds between trials on a treadmill with a torque
motor to neutralize the frictional resistance of treadmill belt.Mean force, velocity and power values during
each sprint effort were determined. The mean force and power values in a trial span from the first to
fifth effort were significantly higher in adult subjects than high school boys even when calculated in terms of
per unit of body mass. Moreover, the adult subjects showed significantly higher mean velocity values during
the trial span between the first and third efforts. However, there were no significant differences between
the two groups in mean velocity values between the fourth and tenth trials and mean force and power,
expressed as relative values to body mass, between the sixth and tenth trials. The high school boys showed
significantly lower values than adults subjects in the percentage of decline in all variables with increasing trials.
Thus, the present results indicated that the high school boys were inferior to adult subjects in power
generation capability during the initial stage of the repeated maximal sprint running task. This might be due to
the differences between high school boys and adult subjects in either anaerobic working capacity or movement
pattern during sprint running efforts.
(Rep. Res. Cent. Phys. Ed. 27 : 31-39, 1998)
東京大学大学院総合文化研究科生命環境科学系身体運動科学研究室 Department of Life Sciences, Univer-sity of Tokyo
*筑波大学駒場附属中・高等学校 Komaba High School Attached to the University of Tsukuba
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