1. An Analsysis of Historical Oil Spill and Current Cleanup Requirements to Aid in Selecting New Technology for Spill Cleanup Operations.
2. Oil Spill Detection *Documentation of Historical Remote Sensing Projects and Status.
3. Oil Spill Detection using Satellite-based SAR Phase O and l.
4. The sience, Technology and Effects of Controlled Burning of Oil Spill at Sea.
5. Incorporation of the State-of-the-Art Technologies into Oil Spill Modeling.
6. Utility of Current Shoreline Cleaning Agent Test in Field Testing.
7. Trasfer of Crude Oil Weathering Technology.
8. Aerial Dispresant Application:Assessment of Sampling Methods and Operational Altitudes.1
9. Aerial Dispresant Application:Assessment of Ssampling Methods and Operational Altitudes.2
10. Tenyu Maro Oil Spill remote sensing data analsysis.
11. ROPME Sea Oil Spill Nearshore Geochemical Processes Study.
12. MSRC Workshop Report:Reseach on Worker Health & Safety.
13. MSRC Workshop Report:Reseach on Bioremediation of Marine Oil Spills.
14. MSRC Workshop Report:Reseach on the Ecological Effects of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil.
15. Technical Evaluation of the Coastal Oil spill Simulation System Protetype.
16. Coastal Oilspill Simulation System Protetype Strawman Design.
17. Dispersed Oil and Disperant Fate and Effects Reseach:California Program Results for 1993-1994.
18. Phase l: Oil containment Boom At Sea Performance Test.
19. Phase 2: At Sea Towing Tests of Fire Resistant Oil Containment Booms.
20. Demulsification by use of heat and emulsion Breaker Phase l.
21. Weathering Properties and Chemical Chemical Dispersibility of Crude Oils Transported in U.S.Waters.