日本財団 図書館

Chapter 2 Rules of Public Conduct for Referees


Article 23

Bearing in mind the great influence which their advice has on athletes and the general audience, referees shall strive to be fair and neutral in their decisions and they shall never show any sign of oscillation or wavering.


Article 24

Referees shall also instruct athletes, in addition to judging and passing decisions on matches.

2. If any inappropriate speech or behavior are exhibited on the dohyo or in the dohyodamari (waiting area), the referee shall immediately warn the athlete.


Article 25

The referees are responsible for maintaining the condition of the dohyo in order to ensure that matches are carried out safely and they are empowered to take immediate corrective measures when needed.


Article 26

When an athlete is injured, bleeding, etc. during a match, the match shall be stopped immediately and the athlete shall be examined by a medical staff member (physician).

2. Based on the referees' deliberations, necessary measures shall be taken thereafter, in the above case.

3. The deliberations mentioned above shall respect the diagnosis of the physician, and decisions shall be made accordingly.


Article 27

The gyoji shall be responsible for bringing the energy of the two athletes and himself together during the “tachiai” (get-ready-stage) of the match.

2. The gyoji shall be responsible for warning an athlete whose hands are placed over the “shikirisen” or starting lines.




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