日本財団 図書館

Mitsubishi Sulzer RTA84C-UG, the World's First Engine of this Type


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) is producing Mitsubishi Sulzer RTA type engines under license from New Sulzer Diesel Co. (NSD) of Switzerland. Recently, shipyards have been busy building high-speed large container ships. The RTA84C-UG (upgraded) engine is frequently adopted for such vessels. The engines manufactured thus far are mostly of the 12 cylinder type with a capacity of 66,120 PS×102rpm. Ships provided with this engine can navigate at speeds of about 25knots carrying 4,000〜5,000 or more containers. The RTA84C-UG engine is preferred as the main engine for marine use under such severe conditions.

The settings of the engine performance is stricter than that of any other conventional type engine. The average piston speed is 8.16 m/s, average effective pressure is 17.9 bar, and the maximum pressure in the cylinder is 140 bar. In order to assure the reliability of this engine under these conditions, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries produced the world's first engine of this type after careful study of numerous records on the navigational performance of such previous type engines as the RTA84C and also by giving overall consideration to the test results of the Technology Demonstrator of NSD. Since then, of the 40 or so sets of 12-cylinder 84C-UG engines ordered in the world, 33 sets have been ordered from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Of these 33 sets, seven sets have already been installed on ships up to now and they are in good service condition.

The Mitsubishi Sulzer RTA type engine is highly praised for its reliability, and the number of repeat orders for these engines are increasing.







