日本財団 図書館

MHI-Developed New Type UEC43LS?


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) added the latest type UEC 43LS ? engine to its UE series engines, the only low-speed diesel engines developed using domestic techniques. This type of engine was developed to serve as the main engine for various kinds of vessels such as small tankers, 24,000T class handy bulk carriers, etc.

As a result of this addition, the line-up of the UE series engines has been enhanced through the completion of various types of engines from the small "UEC33LS ? (6,160 PS×215rpm-1,670PS×162 rpm) to the "UEC85LS ?" (63,000PS × 76 rpm-13,470PS × 54rpm) for such large vessels as VLCCs, and the UEC85LSC(63,600PS× 102rpm- 14,360PS× 76rpm), which is a short stroke main engine for use onboard container ships.

The "UEC43LS ?" engine newly developed can have four to eight cyllinders, each with a 430mm bore and 1,500mm stroke and is prepared for 3,100PS × 120rpm to 11,440PS × 160rpm. The most significant feaure of this type of engine is that the engine has specifications which allow it to satisfy customer requirements for low fuel consumption, high reliability and compactness in size as in the case of the previous LS ? series engines. In addition, structures that are easily maintained and for which careful consideration has been given to the features of the small engine are incorporated into the various parts of the engine.

Six types of the LS ? series engines have been commercialized since the first UEC75LS ? engine was completed in 1987. Innovative use of the features of the series has resulted in Mitsubishi Heavy Industries highly appraised by customers and expanding its market share. From now on, by placing the new "UEC43LS ?" engine in the market, it will be possible for the company to more effectively respond to the ever more exacting requirements of the customers. This is a demonstration of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' efforts to gain higher reliance of the customers and to secure a larger market share.









