日本財団 図書館

中学・高校運動部員の疾走中の筋酸素動態に関する研究 その2

久野 譜也  小沢 治夫*  福永 哲夫**


Effects of daily physical activity on muscle oxygenation during sprinting in adolescents

Shinya KUNO, Haruo OZAWA* and Tetsuo FUKUNAGA**


The effects of school club activities on muscle oxygenation during sprint running was investigat-ed compared to sedentary control. Muscle oxygenation (% deoxygenation relative to oxygen capacity) during 5 periods of intermittent sprinting was measured using portable near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) machine. Blood lactate also was measured after sprints. The subjects were divided into 5 groups:training and control groups of 13 or 17 year old and an adult control group. The training groups aged 13 and 17 years showed the same glycolytic ability on blood lactate and muscle oxygenation measured by NIRS as adult's control group. Moreover, both training groups showed greater hypoxic conditions in the thigh muscle compared to similar age control group during sprint. We found that the school club activities improve glycolytic capacity and muscle oxygen utilitization during sprint running.






1. 被検者




筑波大学先端学際領域研究センター Center for Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance(TARA), Univer-sity of Tsukuba

* 筑波大学附属駒場中高校 Komaba High School attached to the University of Tsukuba

**東京大学大学院生命環境科学系 Department of Life Sciences, University of Tokyo




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