S-2-07-04 Symposium on Education: Evaluation of Competence
Jimenez, Jose
Univ. of Toronto / Canada
S-2-07-05 Education of Physicians in Rehabilitation Medicine in the Nordic Countries
Hook, Olle
Univ. Hospital, Uppsala / Sweden
S-2-07-06 Education in Rehabilitation Medicine
DeLisa, Joel A.
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School / U.S.A.
Seminar-2-01 Room C-1 Time 13:30〜18:00
Advancement in the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury
Chairpersons:Dr.Ivanhoe, Cindy B. (Baylor College of Medicine / U.S.A.)
Dr. Esquenazi, Albert (MossRehab Hospital / U.S.A.)
Seminar-2-O1-01 Pharmacologic Controversies in Traumatic Brain Injury
Ivanhoe, Cindy B.
Baylor College of Medicine / U.S.A.
Francisco, Gerard E.
Univ. of Texas / U.S.A.
Yablon, Stuart A.
Mississippi Methodist Rehabilitation Center/U.S.A.
Seminar-2-01-02 Comprehensive Management of Spasticity in the Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury
Ivanhoe, Cindy B.
Baylor College of Medicine / U.S.A.
Francisco, Gerard E.
Univ. of Texas / U.S.A.
Yablon, Stuart A.
Univ. of Mississippi / U.S.A.
Wiggs, Laura
The Inst. for Rehabilitation & Research / U.S.A.
Seminar-2-O1-03 Advancement in the Treatment of Spastic Gait in Traumatic Brain Injury
Esquenazi, Alberto
MossRehab Hospital & Temple Univ. / U.S.A.