S-2-06 Room B-1 Time 13:30〜15:30
Rehabilitation in Cerebral Palsy
Chairpersons:Prof. Lee, Kang-Mok (Hanyang Univ. Hospital / Korea)
Prof. Eguchi, Sueo (Kibi International Univ. /Japan)
S-2-06-01 Reconstruction of Developmental Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy
Kodama, Kazuo
National Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children /Japan
S-2-06-02 Study of Postural Development
Tosnerova, Vlasta
Charles Univ. Hospital / Czech Republic
S-2-06-03 Physical and Intellectual Growth in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy
Pietrzak, Marek
Univ. of Medical Science / Poland
S-2-06-04 Comprehensive Treatment of Cerebral Palsy
Park, Chang-I1
Yonsei Univ. /Korea
S-2-06-05 Functional Deterioration in Cerebral Palsy in Adults
Ando, Norihiko
Yokohama City Univ. /Japan
S-2-07 Room B-2 Time 13:30〜15:30
Education in Rehabilitation Medicine
Chairpersons: Dr.DeLisa, Joel Alan (UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School / U.S.A.)
Dr. Chino, Naoichi (School of Medicine, Keio Univ. /Japan)
S-2-07-01 Education in Rehabilitation Medicine in Japan
Chino, Naoichi
Keio Univ., School of Medicine /Japan
S-2-07-02 PM&R Education and Primary Health Care
Reyes, Tyrone M.
Santo Tomas Univ. Hospital / Philippines
S-2-07-03 Listen to the Editors
Braddom, Carolyn L.
Association of Academic Physiatrists / U.S.A.