S-2-08 Room C-2 Time l3:30〜15:30
Hydrotherapy and Hot Springs in Rehabilitation
Chairpersons:Prof. Dr. Schmidt, Klaus L. (Univ. of Giessen / Germany)
Prof. Tanaka, Nobuyuki (Kagoshima Univ. Hospital /Japan)
S-2-08-01 Hot Springs in Rehabilitation
Schmidt, Klaus L.
Giessen Univ. / Germany
S-2-08-02 Hydrotherapy in Rehabilitation
Hartmann, Bernd R.
Univ. of Freiburg / Germany
S-2-08-03 Effects and Value of Some Generaly and Localy Thermotherapy Methods in Rehabilitation of Locomotor System Affections
Teleki, Nicolae G.
Inst. of Physical Medicine / Romania
S-2-08-04 Thermal Therapy in Cardiac Rehabilitation
Tei, Chuwa
Kagoshima Univ. / Japan
EL-2-07 Room D Time 13:30〜14:30
Geriatric Rehabilitation as a Part of the Post Acute Continuum: Future Opportunities for Physiatry
Chairperson:Dr.Ishigami, Shigenobu (National Defense Medical College /Japan)
EL-2-07-01 Geriatric Rehabilitation as Part of the Post Acute Continuum: Future Opportunities for Physiatry
Gans, Bruce M.
Wayne State Univ. / U.S.A.