International Workshop on Ocean Climate Variations from Seasons to Decades with Special Emphasis on Pacific Ocean Buoy Network
Conference Statement
Opening Address
Y Toba
Keynote Address
Moored time series measurements in support of climate studies
M. Mcphaden
Monsoon and ocean climate variability: The case of the Kuroshio
T. Yamagata
Seasonal-to-decadal variability of the Pacific North
Equatorial Current: A downstream predictability and impacts assessment
R. Lukas
Triangle program: An integrated research plan on ocean
climate studies at JAMSTEC
M. Hishida
Surface Buoy Development Plan at JAMSTEC
The surface buoy development and its operation plan: TRITON
(Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy Network)
Y Kuroda
Technological development of the surface meteorological and
oceanographic buoy at JAMSTEC
Y Amitani and S. Hamaguchi
Optimal network design based on spatial sampling error study
J. She and S. Nakamoto
National and Regional Activities
Oceanographic characteristics along 137E in the western
tropical Pacific-Comparison between two cruises of December 1992 and April 1994
M. Suk, G. Hong, S. Nam and D. Kang
Ocean-atmosphere research activities in Indonesia
T. Sribimawati and F. Syamsudin
Research activities in the East and South China Seas-Taiwan
T. Y D. Tang
Oceanographic activities for climate in the Japan
Meteorological Agency
T. Manabe
Marine scientific research in the South Pacific-View from
the inside
A. Simpson
Studies on ENSO and Monsoon
Observation of the Indian ocean equatorial jet
K. Mizuno
Global surface circulation derived from drifting buoy data
and its predictability by simultaneous assimilation model of drifting buoy and altimetric
T. Awaji, Y Ishikawa and K. Akitomo
Thermohaline stratification of the Indonesian Seas-model and
A. Gordon
Observing system simulation experiments (OSSE) on the
JAMSTEC buoy system
A. Sumi, M. Kimoto and N. Masumoto
MRI coupled models for Pacific climate study
Y Kitamura
Seasonal prediction and predictability studies at ECMWF
D. Anderson
Observing system experiments for monitoring and predicting
seasonal-to-interannual climate variations
N. Smith and R. Kleeman
The effect of wind and thermohalinc forcing on a warmpool
variability and a circulation in the westem equatorial Pacific and the eastern Indian
K. Muneyama and S. Nakamoto
A numerical simulation of the Indonesian Through flow with a
mixed layer-isopycnal ocean general circulation model
S. Nakamoto, J. Oberhuber, K. Ueyoshi, W. White, J. She and K. Muneyama
Some highlights of COARE
S. Godfrey
Meteorological research plan at JAMSTEC using shipboard
Doppler radar
K. Yoneyama
Studies on Decadal Scale Oceanic Variabilities
ENSO and decadal modes found in SST field in the North
K. Hanawa
Decadal variability in ENSO and extratropical
K. Trenberth
Decadal and ENSO-scale thermocline variations in the North
Pacific Ocean
A. Miller
Subpolar gyre experiment in the North Pacific Ocean
Y Michida. K. Mizuno, N. Shikama and T. Takizawa
Effects of mesoscale phenomena on water mass formation and
transportation in the subtropical/subpolar frontal region
H. Mitsudera and Y Yoshikawa
Interaction between the northern North Pacific and its
marginal seas
T. Takizawa
International Cooperation
World Wide Web access to TAO and hydrographic data
N. Soreide
Initial priorities for the global ocean observing system and
the Pacific Buoy Network
E. Lindstom
List of Participants
Annex: Letter from the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group