Tien Sribimawati2) and Fadli Syamsudin3)
1. Introduction
Equatorial Region is important to understand global atmospheric circulation. In this relation, thn Indonesian maritime continent region is unique, in terms of its position. Thousand of island located right at the equator (long 940 - 1410E and lat. 60N - 110S), and surrounded by two continents (Australia and Asia), and two Oceans (Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean). Due to its unique position, International Scientific Community has paid a great deal of attention in dealing with observation within Indonesia, in order to understand global circulation.
A series of the international symposium on atmospheric research have been conducted yearly in Indonesia started in 1989. Since then, atmospheric research activities are increasing, both independently, or in collaboration with the international scientific community. In line with these activities, the awareness of the Indonesian scientists on the importance of maritime continent atmosphere is increasing.
Nowadays, man look at the atmosphere, ocean, and earth as one system. Interactions among variables at the interface of the components generate interaction phenomena such as El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Along with the atmospheric research activities, Ocean research within Indonesian Maritime Continent has also been increasing in the past decades. International workshop on the Indonesian Throughflow studies in and around Indonesian Waters has also been conducted in Indonesia in October 1995.
Within Indonesia's Development Program scheme, Improving Climate Prediction capability is one priority among others. This is due to the fact that agriculture is still an important sector in Indonesian economics, and improving agriculture productivity is stated explicitly in the 5-years National Development Plan. In most of the Indonesian region, rainy season is anticipated with hope. Poor rainy season can lead to famine, and disruption of agriculture. On the other hand, an excessive rainy season can lead to floods, destruction of property, and depletion of top soil. Anomalous weather conditions result in, when unexpected natural fluctuations occurred. For strategic and tactical planning for agriculture activities in particular, and for water management in general, it is necessary to develop climate prediction. Therefore, research on climate in Indonesia should be focused on socially and economically useful climate prediction capabilities.
As a result of international effort, such as TOGA-COARE program with it's IOP, indicate that climate could be predicted several seasons ahead. Improvement and validation effort of prediction models is continuously underway. The WOCE program is a program aimed to study the circulation of the global ocean that also influencing global climate system.
1)Presented in the International Workshop on Ocean Climate Variations, May 29-31, 1996. in Mutsu City-Culture Center, Aomori Prefecture, Japan.
2)Weather Modification Technical Unit, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)
3)Directorate of Technology for Natural Resources Inventory, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)