日本財団 図書館

Question and Answer

Chairman :

Thank you very much, Dr. Ogawa for that informative presentation. The floor is now open, Iadies and gentlemen, for any question or comment. Professor?

Question 1 (Hon. Dr. Vo-Tong Xuan, MP):

Dr. Ogawa, please teach me something. The term malignant neoplasm, I don't unde rstand, what kind of disease is like that? That is the first one. The second is , you say the nitrogen amount in the Tokyo bay is 319.5 tons per day. That is b ased on what volume, per cubic meters or what? Or total number or total quantit y of nitrogen is 319.5 tons per day in the Tokyo Bay?

Chairman :

The first question is, he was talking about neoplasm. What is neoplasm malignan cy, ma-lignant neoplasm?

Dr. Ogawa:

The frrst one is the stomach cancer. Recently, Iung cancer, has become the firs t cause, and followed by stomach cancer as the second. This is the same for bot h women and the men. The third cause is liver cancer in men, and maybe colon ca ncer in women. And is it okay for the first question?

The second one is that, I'm sony, I need the slide again. I would like to refer to the last slide again to come back on the second question. This is per day. So this is 319.5 tons per day. This is the aggregate of all the water flowing i nto the Tokyo Bay area per day. The main river flows into the Tokyo Bay.

Question 2 (Hon. Sat Mahajan, MP, INDIA)

Dr. Ogawa, I am not a specialist. But I want to understand a very simple questi on. Your chart has shown that in Japan the maximum deaths have taken place beca use of the can-cer and heart attacks. While in Nepal, there have been more beca use of the infant mortal-ity and the mothers' mortality as the maximum because of bad water, or polluted water.





