日本財団 図書館

And there heart dlsease and cancer is highest in Japan. What correlation it has with each other? Is it the diseasc of clvilization, or is It the dlsease of th e backwardness? What It is, wc couldn't understand. Why Is a high mortallty rat e going on in such a hlghly advanced country, technically and other aspects, Ii ke Japan? That is, heart discase a]so and the can-ccrs also? They on the rise. There they are higher than the Thailand and Nepal. May l know the rcasons for t his?

Dr. Ogawa:

Yes. In the case of Japan, and also in the wcstern countries, in North America or Europe, ctmcer and the heart disease mainly affect people after their fortie s and mainly aifter fifties. The cerebral-vascular disease, mainly affects afte r the age of sixty. Infcctious discases such as gastro-cnteritis or such will a ffect more younger generations in their twcnties or thirties. It's quite a diff erence. Even in Nepal, the maligntmcy disease and the heart dis-case arc not ma ny as causes of death, but when they live longcr, thcn maybe cancer and heart d isease will become the major cause of the deaths.

Question 3 (Hon. Sat Mahajan, MP, INDIA):

One thlng morc. Why the males dic earlier than the female? Your chart has shown . I have seen. that the males die carlier than the females, seven years differe nce, and they are in lhc same circumstances.

Dr. Ogawa:

Well, it is a quite dlfficult question to answer. But maybe. I'm not sure, so i t is better to ask to a speciallist, but I think it depends on the genetic reas on. And thc female is also considered to be more healthy than the male. It depe nds on the genetic reasons, perhrlps.

Hon. Sat Mahajan, MP, INDIA:

But in India it is the male. About heart failures and cancer, what is the reaso n that caused these, I could not get the clear answer?

Dr. Ogawa:

Well, thcre are several reasons, maybe. And one big reason is that Japanese llf estylc is changing to Western life. The consumption of fat in the intake of foo d is growing com-pared with that thirty years ago. And Japan has become a littl e simllar to the Western





