日本財団 図書館

At last, going back to the developing nations, I would like to return to the st ory of Nepal. For Japan, compared with the Westem countries, the change has bee n much more speedy. But even when we had reduced the infectious diseases by unc lean water, still we have the problems caused by Industrlal and household efflu ent. We already had learned the lesson in the beginning, so we could cope with a second set of problems. However, the develop-ing nations have a much faster p ace of the problems, and in Nepal they still have to live with unclean water, a nd they have to cope with that problem. At the same time, they have to cope wit h the problem of the urbanization and industrialization. That is to say, Nepal is not going through phase one and then phase two, phase one meaning a reductlo n of infec-tious dlsease, and phase two coping with the industrialization. That was the case for Ja-pan, whereas in case of Nepal they are going through these two phases, phase one and two, simultancously. So they cannot learn from the e arlier lessons because they are going through this simultaneously. With this I would like to close my prescntation. Thank you very much.





