日本財団 図書館

And now I would like to make a wrap-up, a summary of Nepal. Nepal is still a de velop-ing nation, and people are predominantly engaged in agriculture. Clean wa ter is not suffi-ciently available. As the population migrates into the cities, the population increases, leading to environmental destruction. In Kathmandu t he tap water supply rate is 70 per-cent, however water quality tests revealed f ecal coliform in 50 percent of the water, which indicates that they still have a long way to go in supplying clean water. Even if they can supply clean water, there must be a greater increase of population to offset.
Thailand can be geographically divided into the four regions, the Northeast, fo llowed by the North, the Center, and the South. Bangkok shares the 10 percent o f the total popula-tion. Thailand has a per capita GNP Ievel of 2157 dollars, a nd the total population in-volved in agriculture is 62 percent, which 20 years ago was 90 percent of the population. The urbanization ratio is now 22.6 percen t, or 22.6 percent of the total population is liv-ing in the urban areas. This urbanization level is much higher than the counterpart in Ne-pal.
This is the list of the ten major causes of deaths in Thailand (see Table 3). T he number one cause of death is heart disease with 54.4 percent, then accidents and poisoning, the third is the malignant neoplasms (cancer), followed by homi cide, suicide and other inju-ries, the fifth is liver and pancreatic diseases, and finally the infectious diseases including pneumonia and other lung diseases appear. In Thailand gastro-enteritis is not included in the ten major causes o f death. Now you can find that there is a major change in the cause of deaths i n case of Thailand in comparison to Nepal. But please be noted that these are s tatistics taken from hospitals, and therefore the deaths outside the hospitals are not in-cluded in this list. Therefore these statistics do not reflect the n ation-wide phenomenon. However, in comparison to Nepal, you can see a major tra nsition coming out in Thailand.






