日本財団 図書館

In Bangkok, which now experiences issues relevant to the advanced natlons. For example, the Chaophraya River now has a BOD level, or Biological Oxygen Demand level of 3.3 mg per llter. Of course, the BOD Ievel Is much higher in Japan, wl th 5.0 mg per llter, but stlll the BOD Ievel of the Chaophraya River in Bangkok is now approaching the lcvel of Japan. In Bangkok, pollution has various cause s, and the major contribution Is the domes-tic scwage. Domestic sewage accounts for 65 percent of the causes of the BOD, while 22 percent is due to the indust rial waste. Bangkok's domestic drainage and waste put a very significant burden on the environment.
Chlangmai is a smaller urban center compared to Bangkok. Chlangmal is, however, now also showing the transition which has already been experienced in Bangkok. This is the Chiangmai city, and about 10 kllometers away we selected two villa ges for comparative study. (see Table 4) Village A was selected because it has relatively affluent families. This is the view of the health center in that aff luent village. As you can tell by the cloth-ing of the children and mothers, th ey are well-dressed, as shown in this slide. Village B was selected In the rura l area, where you can find that the clothing of the mothers and children are no t yet urbanized in comparison to Village A. Village A is the affluent vil-lage, village B is somewhat rural. If you compare the income levels, Village A has d ouble the income level of Village B. Villagers In Vlllage A commute to the urba n center for jobs, whlle only a very limited number of people commute from the Village B for their jobs. We can say that Village A is now under urbanization, while Village B, in comparl-son with Village A, has the characteristics of a ru ral village.
The nutrlent intake of Vlllage A is much higher in calories than Village B. (se e Table 5) Thc average total calories Is 2450 kcal/day In Village A, and is 164 0 kcal/day in Village B. Especially, the calories from protein in Village A is much higher than In Village B. We compared calories from protein, fat, and carb ohydrates. In Village A, 14.5 percent of





