日本財団 図書館

And now let us compare these three countries briefly. I will be talking about t he situatlon In Nepal based on the research by APDA conducted In 1995. The coun try can be roughly divided into three areas. There is a fairly depopulated moun tainous area in the north, the central area with cities, such as Kathmandu, and a tropical jungle area to the south. Thus thc country of Nepal can be divided into three geographical sections. Forty percent of the total population live in the central and the south area, where the population is concen-trated. And the re is the trend that more and more people are living in the southern plains are a.
As for the social and economic condition, 90 percent of the total population ar e farmers, and the GDP per person is 180 dollars. So Nepal is predominantly a f armer country wlth urbanization at 13 percent, that is, 13 percent of the popul ation live in cities.
As to the state of medical services and public health, these are the major caus es for hospi-talization, and the death rate (see Table 2). The top cause of dea th is gastro-enteritis, fol-lowed by pneumonla, typhoid fever, and tuberculosis . All of these are the top causes of inf'ectious diseases. In children, 18 perc ent of the deaths are due to diarrhea. So this is typlcal of the death patterns of the developing nations. If you can get hold of clean water, that will be fi ne. However, they have problems in Nepal and they can't get water of good quali ty. To get water they have to go to a well and pump up the water.






