日本財団 図書館


Profile of Performers






パリ国立高等音楽院卒業後、ロルフ・リーバーマンの要請で、パリ・オペラ座に合唱指揮者として参加。1980年から82年までその地位にあった。87年自らEnsemble Faを設立、以来、音楽監督'指揮者を務める。Ensemble Faの指揮者としての活動に加え、フランス国営放送の客演指揮や、ヨーロッパの大規模ないくつかの音楽祭にも定期的に招かれている。


Dominique MY (Conductor)


After having finished her studies at the Paris Conservatory, Dominique My was asked by Rolf Liebermann to join the Paris Opera as their vocal director. She held this position from 1980 to 1982. Dominique MY founded L'Ensemble Fa and has served as its musical director and conductor since 1 987. In addition to her activities as head of L'Ensemble Fa, Dominique My has also guest conducted for Radio France and regularly invited to perform at some of the largest European music festivals.



Profile of Composers/Descriptions










Julian YU



Born in Beijing in 1957, Julian Yu studied composition at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, and later joined the teaching staff there. From 1980 to 1982 he studied at the Tokyo College of Music under Joji Yuasa and Schin-ichiro Ikebe. He immigrated to Australia in 1985. He studied under Hans Werner Henze and Oliver Knussen, and was awarded the Koussevitzky Tanglewood Composition Prize for that year. His music has won over 20 awards in the USA, Japan. Italy, France, P.R. China, and his adopted Australia.

This piece aims to show the pentatonic character in a new light. It is based on a simple, ancient (pentatonic) Chinese folk melody known as Lao Liu-Ban. The composer uses a method of ornamentation belonging to traditional Chinese instrumental music to experiment with pentatonic expression in the contemporary musical idiom. The inspiration for the beginning of the piece comes from a more natural source. The composer was walking in a forest near his home, when he heard the single clear notes of bellbirds piercing the silence, and was moved to organize these isolated notes into a tapestry of music.








LEE Byung-Moo



Born in Ch'un-ch'on, Korea on 13. October 1972. 1991 - 1997 studied composition with Sukhi Kang at the Seoul National University. Music College.

Program Note: The sounds we hear usually are assemblages which have Innumerable and separate pitches. Naturally but specifically, the sounds are gapless continuous in accompany with the time, but very sparse in accompany with the pitch. The sounds are variable huddles of thin lines. As the things we experience in the existential world are extracted from the immateriality, the meaningless sounds can be functional with arrangements. This work is a result of making these sounds concrete.




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