日本財団 図書館

Please note the followings


1. Methods of discussion

1.1 Under the agenda item of "Country report" in the morning 20 December 2000, each head of delegation will make a presentation on the fields of his agency's concerns and the necessity and the possible ways of international cooperation and coordination among five coast guard agencies in NW PAC region.


1.2 Format for the country report

There is no specific format for the country report. Power point will be available for the presentation of the report. Allocated time for the country report to each delegate is 15 min..


1.3 After five presentations, five heads of delegation may, through a discussion, extract the fields of common concerns or share the views on the necessity and possible ways of such cooperation and coordination in the fields.


1.4 Finally, toward the new century, the five tops may express their firm intention to work together closely in the fields of common concerns.


1.5 Translation

Simultaneous translation into Chinese, Korean, Russian and English will be arranged for the meeting and press conference.


2. Attire

Wearing uniform is recommended during the meeting on 20th and 21st and courtesy visit to the Prime Minister on 21st.

3. Bilateral meeting

If there is a request to have a bilateral meeting with other delegates in an unoccupied time, we could make necessary arrangements for it.


4. Air ticket

One business round ticket for the head of delegation and one economy round ticket for the person accompanying the head of delegation as well as accommodation from 19 to 21 December (3-night) will be arranged.


5. Venue of the meeting and accommodation

Name: The Hotel Nikko Tokyo

Address: 1-9-1, Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo #135-8625

TEL (81) 3-5500-5500, Fax (81) 3-5500-2525.




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