日本財団 図書館

林 絵里(ピアニスト)





1977年第31回全日本学生音楽コンクール東日本大会で奨励賞を受賞。桐朋女子高校音楽科を経て、桐朋学園大学音楽学部卒業。ピアノを樋口恵子、弘中孝、中島和彦の各氏に師事。卒業後同大学に於いて2年間弦楽科伴奏研究員を務める。1986年第8回チャイコフスキー国際コンクールのチェロ部門で最優秀伴奏者賞を受賞。1986年より日本国際音楽コンクール・ヴァイオリン部門の公式伴奏者を務める。これまで、ソ連芸術祭、東京の夏音楽祭、タリアセン室内楽音楽祭出演の他、ヴァイオリニスト、エドアルド・メルクス、バルツゥオミ・ニジョー、徳永二男、加藤知子、漆原朝子、チェリスト向山佳絵子の各氏をはじめ多くの演奏家のリサイタルで共演。また、N響メンバーとの室内楽や、NHK FM、CDなどの録音を行っている。現在、桐朋学園大学音楽学部嘱託演奏員。


Eri Hayashi (Pianist)


Born in Tokyo. Eri Hayashi began studying piano at the age of four. She won a Diploma of Merit from the junior level of the Eastern Japan Regional Competition of the 31st All-Japan Student Music Competition in 1977.

She studied at the Toho Gakuen School of Music, where she became an assistant accompanist in the string department for two years after graduation.

In 1986 she won the Best Accompanist Prize in the cello section of the 8th International Tchaikovsky Competition. Since 1986,she has served as an official accompanist for the International Music Competition of Japan.

She is also active in chamber music with the members of the NHK Symphony Orchestra, and has done CD and radio (NHK FM) recordings. She is currently on the accompanying staff of the Toho Gakuen School of Music.


南 安雄(作曲・編曲者)







Yasuo Minami (Composer)


Upon graduating from Horikawa Music Conservatory in Kyoto (present Kyoto City Arts University), Yasuo Minami made numerous achievements as a Composer with an exclusive contract with NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation's Osaka branch. Over the year, he was in charge of composing and making arrangements for music in numerous TV drama series as well as music programs.

Yasuo Minami has also received many music awards including the Art Festival Grand Prizes for his compositions for nationwide drama series such as "Nichiyobi", "Futari", "Kirigirisu" etc.

Yasuo Minami also participates in concerts and musical events as a conductor, making active contributions to many genre of music. He is now a freelance composer.




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