日本財団 図書館





1. ストラディヴァリウスをはじめとする弦楽器名器の購入・保全、及び国際的な貸与事業

2. 内外の有名オーケストラによる質の高い演奏会支援事業

3. 音楽関係団体の行う音楽活動(演奏会、研修会、講習会等)に対する助成事業

4. 音楽関係国際ネットワークの形成事業

5. 音楽の普及。啓蒙のための調査・研究及び将来における音楽情報センターの設置



Activities of Nippon Music Foundation


Nippon Music Foundation undertakes numerous projects as it was established in 1974 to promote western music culture in Japan. In 1994, Nippon Music Foundation celebrated its 20th anniversary, and took that opportunity to expand its programs to include "International Exchange in Music", mainly focusing on classic music. The activities can be divided into the following categories:

1. Acquiring and preserving top quality string instruments such as those made by Antonio Stradivari, considered to be the world's historical and cultural assets, and to loan them free of charge to qualified musicians throughout the world.

2. Supporting to concerts by the internationally renowned orchestras.

3. Providing grants-in-aid to musical projects carried out by various organizations; such as concerts, workshops and seminars.

4. Establishing and Promoting intomatlonal rnusic network.

5. Conducting research into various aspects of music and collecting music related materials for the future establishment of music information library.

All of these activities are made possible by the generous support from The Nippon Foundation.




ロリン・マゼール    指揮者(欧州)

ジャン・ピエール デ・ラオノア    ベルギー・エリザベート王妃国際音楽コンクール理事長(欧州)

ドロシー・ディレイ    ジュリアード音楽院教授(米国)

ヤーノス・シュタルケル    インディアナ大学音楽学部教授(米国)

吉田 貴壽    昭和音楽大学学長(日本)

塩見 和子    (財)日本音楽財団理事長(日本)


Loan Committee

The Loan Committee is responsible for making basic policies regarding the loaning of instruments in NMF collection and for selecting performers to whom the instruments are to be loaned. The committee is composed of two members each from Europe, the United States and Japan.

Lorin Maazel Conductor (Europe)

Comte Jean-Pierre de Launoit President, The Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition・Belgium (Europe)

Dorothy DeLay Professor, The Juilliard School (U.S.)

Janos Starker Professor, Indiana University(U.S.)

Takatoshi Yoshida Chancellor, Showa Music Conservatory (Japan)

Kazuko Shiomi President, Nippon Music Foundation (Japan)



藤掛廣幸    作曲家

原田元吉    日本マーチングバンド指導者協会理事長

岩井宏之    音楽評論家

中曽根松衛    (株)芸術現代社社長

下田勝美    (財)日本音楽財団常務理事

塩見和子    (財)日本音楽財団理事長

辻 正行    日本合唱指揮者協会理事長

吉日貴壽    昭和音楽大学学長



Project Committee

Hiroyuki Fujikake Composer

Genkichi Harada President, Japan Marching Band Directors, Association

Hiroyuki Iwai Music Critic

Matsue Nakasone President, Geijutsu Gendai Co., Ltd.

Katsumi Shimoda Managing Director, Nippon Music Foundation

Kazuko Shiomi President, Nippon Music Foundation

Masayuki Tsuji President, Japan Choral Directors' Association

Takatoshi Yoshida Chancellor, Showa Music Conservatory

As of August 1998 (Listed in alphabetical order)




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