日本財団 図書館

Presentation on Current Issues and Workshop Reports


Social Aspects and Rehabilitation



Moderator: Dr. C.S. Walter


1) Community Awareness and Involvement

Dr. R.S. Arole

Human beings live in a community- be it a family, clan or the larger rural or urban setting. Their well being and development to a large extent are affected by the way they are treated by these community groups and the society as a whole. Persons with physically disabling conditions in general are not fully accepted by society and persons affected with leprosy even more. Often even the family members disown their own kith and kin who are affected with leprosy.

In dealing with the problem of leprosy, it is important to address all aspects that

affect the life of PALs and facilitate their leading normal lives with dignity. It is necessary to understand the socio-cultural factors that play a role in social deprivation and marginalization of PALs. People's actions and behaviour of any situation depend on their own assessment and analysis of the situation which in turn depend on their knowledge and experience. These are also dependant on perceptions and social norms set by the communities.

The perceptions of the majority of people are that leprosy is incurable, it is highly

infectious and it is a divine curse. This leads to a fear of the disease much out of proportion to the reality. This fear leads to the general public despising PALs. The PALs in turn tend to hide and not offer themselves for early diagnosis only to be exposed when deformity occurs, further enhancing the fears of the community and the social ostracization. Women affected with leprosy continue to suffer most.

There are several oppressive factors working from within and without the community that influence the actions and often keep communities locked into a closed space of limited knowledge, leading to further marginalization and social ostracization of the PALs. Being victims of poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and poor self esteem, true knowledge and opportunities for development are denied to PALs by the powerful elite. Education, knowledge about special programs for people with disabling conditions and other amenities are not shared with them. All these actions tend to keep those who are marginalized from joining the mainstream of society. The continuous negative messages force PALs to have low self esteem and resultant sense of hopelessness.

The health professionals have slogans and messages that leprosy can be cured and that casual contact does not necessarily spread the disease; that there is no need to segregate PALs. Yet, treating PALs in special clinics reinforces existing beliefs about leprosy. Mystification of the disease further adds to misconceptions. Efforts of providing vocational training at separate training centres also prevent PALs from settling down in their own surroundings. Employers may not give jobs to those trained at such centres.





