日本財団 図書館

This is important as programmes attain low endemic status and is also important in preventing disabilities where the progressive nature of secondary impairments following primary impairments may be lifelong.

5. The final theme is that of the importance of training as each area is recommending new approaches to be taken and for new people to be involved in leprosy programmes. The implications are that those to be involved need to be trained and that the training requirements will be different from those of the last ten years. Training programmes will need to adapt to a wider range of individuals and groups being involved in programmes and to much more comprehensive approaches. These implications for training are profound and training centres and training programmes rapidly need to adapt to this changing situation.

These key themes emerging across the four workshops on disease and disease control are significant. They have major implications for leprosy control programmes over the next ten years.


W.C.S. Smith, Dept. of Public Health, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.





