日本財団 図書館


鈴木 亨


MIRCでは海洋データの品質管理(Quality Control)に関する研究開発を行っています。対象はJODCが収集・保管しているデータですが、都道府県水産試験研究機関が1960年代から毎月行っている定線観測のデータは、水産庁海洋観測資料刊行委員会が配布しているデータ管理プログラムPODを使って入力され、流通ファイルフォーマットで保管されています。しかしPODは流通ファイルの作成を目的としているため、現状ではエラーチェックが完全に行われているとは言えません。そこでMIRCでは、和歌山県水産試験場の協力を得て、流通ファイルに含まれる基本的なエラーの検出と修正を系統的に行え、現場でも利用可能なソフトウェアを開発しています。MIRCではこのソフトウェアを利用してJODCに収集・保管されているデータの品質管理を促進するとともに、MIRC/JODCに流入してくるデータの信頼性の向上を図ります。




The Development of Software for Quality Control of the Oceanographic Data



The Marine Information Research Center (MIRC) makes a study of the quality control and processing of oceanographic data that are collected into the Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC). The data observed by Prefectural Fisheries Agencies since 1960's are stored with the format defined by the Oceanographic Data Publishing Committee (ODPC) in Fisheries Agency using POD, the data management program. As a main purpose of POD is to produce the ODPC datasets as easy as possible, the error checks have not completed yet, then the ODPC datasets have not been submitted to JODC. MIRC, therefore, develops the software for QC that can detect basic errors included the datasets systematically, in cooperation with Wakayama Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station. MIRC also aims to produce the high quality dataset from the incoming data by using the software, and to improve the JODC datasets.

Actually the investigators are required a great deal of skill to detect errors such as observation date, ship (platform) speed and position and so on in the datasets, and to modify them directly, when they use the non-graphical program. Since the software which is provided by MIRC runs on Windows 95/NT with graphical user interface, the errors of cruise information are shown into the color maps with warning if it is needed. In addition to this, the software can check depth dependent ranges and vertical profiles of temperature, salinity and density (Fig.1), and add the error flags automatically. Thus non oceanographer such as a part-timer may also use it so easy.

This software also can adapt to other ODPC dataset of Prefectural Fisheries Agencies. MIRC is planning to implement some functions, e.g., input data from measurements directly, statistical analysis, drawing graphs, mapping of observed values and platform information, and export file with other format.





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