日本財団 図書館


吉田 昭三






磁気媒体データ:水深 等深線 海岸線 底質 低潮線 メッシュ水深統計(5マイルメッシュ及び約1キロメートルメッシュ) 地磁気 重力 柱状データ

画像データ:音波探査記録 測量原図 旧版海図 空中写真 海底地形鳥瞰図




画像データ:相模湾・伊豆諸島近海海況速報 海洋速報海流推測図 管区海洋速報 流氷状況図


磁気媒体データ:各深度における水温 塩分 溶存酸素化学成分 表面水温 海流 潮流 潮汐 潮汐予報

画像データ:各層要素別メッシュ統計表(水温、塩分、溶存酸素) 海流ベクトルメッシュ統計 潮汐予報(高低潮時潮高、毎時潮高、潮汐曲線、任意潮高以上・以下時刻表) 潮流予報(最強流速 毎時流速 任意流速以上・以下時刻表)





画像データ:海面気象メッシュ統計表(天気、風、波浪等) 船舶波浪メッシュ統計表(風、波浪等)








MIRC Service Office



Japan Hydrographic Association established its Oceanographic Information Service Office in February, 1990. This office has worked together with the Marine Information Service Office of JODC in order to modify oceanographic information and data which are under management of JODC, and to provide the data products for general users. This office was reformed to be the Service Division of MIRC on May 27, 1997, and has responsibility to provide also the high-quality data products which MIRC produces.


Necessary oceanographic database and information belong to JODC has been transferred to MIRC, already. The Service Division are provide the following data and information with reasonable costs.


Geographic data


Digital data: digitized bathymetry, depth contours, coastal line, lower low water line, bottom materials, statistical depth data for 5 mile mesh or 1 km mesh, geomagnetic and gravitational data, core sampling data


Image data: sonic profiling records, sounding smooth sheet, old nautical charts, aerophotographs, birds-eye views of bathymetry


Oceanographic data

(quasi-real time data)

Image data: Prompt Oceanographic Reports published by Hydrographic Department and Regional Maritime Safety Head Quarters, Forecasted Oceanic Current Charts, Prompt Oceanographic Report in Sagami Bay and Izu-Islands area, Sea-ice Chart

(Non-real time data)

Digital data: temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and chemical data at the standard depths, SST, oceanic currents, tidal currents, tides, predicted tides


Image data: Statistical charts of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen at various depths, statistical oceanic current vectors in mesh, charts and tables of forecasted tides, Meteorological data


(Non-real time data)

Digital data: meteorological data such as waves, winds etc. visually measured by MSA vessels and by lighthouses


Image data: statistical charts in mesh of marine meteorology (weather, wind and waves), statistical charts on winds and waves in mesh based on ship observations


Astronomical data and calendars


Image data: time tables of sunrise and sunset, and of moonrise and moonset




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