日本財団 図書館



1. Are there any special rule or regulation to ensure the safety of ships navigating the polar seas? Let us know about the rule/regulation, if any.


■ On the hull structure

■ On the control over ship operations including steering


2. Are there any special regulation or specifications for onboard euipment? Let us know about the regulation and specifications, if any. We would like to get information on dinghies, infaltable rafts, radars, EPIRB (SOS transmitter), antennas and side lights, in particular.


3. If there are "polar sea" specifications let us know the coverage of such specifications. For instance, a certain kind of equipment should work in good order not only at such-and-such temperatures below zero, but under such-and-such icing conditions as well.


4. Under what temperature are onboard eqipment in use assumed to be able to work?


5. Can onboard equipment in use work at a tempereature of 40 degrees below zero?


6. Let us know about preventive measures against icing, such as heaters, application of special coating, and spraying of steam and warm water.


7. About removal of ice developed onto onboared equipment. Are different measures adopted acoording to differences in ice thickness?


8. As for the equipment coated with plastic resins, vulnerable to hammering, what measures of ice removal are employed?


9. As for electrical equipment, what consideration is given to the effect of lower temperatures on determination of its mechanical functions and system performance.


10. As for emergency equipment, icing may more often than not hamper its release from snaps and hooks, for example. What consideration is given to this point?




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