6.2 運用承認活動
55th session
Agenda item 2 |
MEPC 55/2
12 April 2006
Original: ENGLISH |
Basic Approval of Active Substances used by Special Pipe Ballast Water Management System (combined with Ozone treatment)
Submitted by Japan
Executive summary: This document contains non-confidential information for Basic Approval of Active Substances used by Special Pipe Ballast Water Management System (combined with Ozone treatment) in acccordance with the Procedure for approval of Ballast Water Management Systems that make use of Active Substance (G9) adopted by resolution MEPC.126(53). The relevant documents and an application dossier will be provided to the Marine Environment Division of the Organization for review by the GESAMP - Ballast Water Working Group.
Action to be taken: Paragraph 6
Related documents: BWM/CONF/36, BWM.2/Circ.2, MEPC 54/2/9, MEPC 54/2/12, MEPC 54/21
1 The Ballast Water Management Convention (BWM Convention), in its regulation D-3, provides that Ballast Water Management systems, which make use of Active Substances to comply with the Convention, shall be approved by IMO based on a procedure developed by the Organization.
2 MEPC 53 adapted, by resolution MEPC.126(53), the “Procedure for approval of Ballast Water Management Systems that make use of Active Substances (G9)”. Section 8 of the Procedure sets out the methodology to be followed for the approval of Active Substances and requests IMO to establish a Technical Group (the GESAMP - Ballast Water Working Group) to review the proposals submitted by Administrations and report to the Organization on its findings.
3 MEPC 54 agreed to invite Members to submit their proposals for approval (application dossiers) and the non-confidential description of the systems for MEPC 55, by Friday. 21 April 2006 (MEPC 54/21, paragraph 2.24).
4 This document contains non-confidential information regarding Special Pipe Ballast Water Management System (combined with Ozone treatment) developed by the Japan Association of Marine Safety (JAMS). This system holds excellence in treatment capability. is safe not only to ships and crew but also to the environment and uses Ozone generated on board the ships as an Active Substance. A brief introduction of this system has been provided in annex 2 of document MEPC 54/2/9.
5 The application dossier together with relevant documents indicated in the circular regarding the second meeting of the GESAMP-BWWG (BWM 2/Circ.4) will be submitted to Marine Environment Division of the Organization to be reviewed by the Group in accordance with the provisions of resolution MEPC.126(53).
Action requested of the Committee
6 The Committee is invited to consider the proposal for approval of the Active Substances used by Special Pipe Ballast Water Management System (combined with Ozone treatment) for ballast water management.
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