日本財団 図書館

Annex 5 - List of Output and Working Papers
・Output documents are submitted for review by a body other than the Committee initiating the document. (i.e. a paper that is going to Council, a Liaison statement to another Committee or Organisation, etc.)
Number Title Status
AIS16/output/01 An Introduction to AIS Approved
IALA Secretariat to put on AIS Web Portal - opening page with subsequent pages for links
AIS16/output/02 Liaison Note to ANM - Charting of AtoN AIS Approved
Forward to ANM6
AIS16/output/03 Strategy note revision 1371-1 / TWG ToR Approved
Forward to Council to note
AIS16/output/04 Liaison Note - IALA-IEC WG14 Approved
Forward to WG14
AIS16/output/05 Report AIS16 Approved as amended
・Working Papers are documents that will remain within the committee for further review.
Number Title Status
AIS16/TWG/WP02 FATDMA Issue Forward to TWG; AIS17
AIS16/8/5rev1 VDL Loading / A. Stewart Forward to TWG, AIS17
Annex 6 - Action Items
Action Items - IALA Secretariat
1. The Secretariat was asked to inform IEC WG8A and IEC WG14 regarding the deadlines for revisions to ITU-R M.1371 to ensure that submission of new material on Class B AIS stations, AIS Base stations and AtoN AIS stations are incorporated into the draft revision of ITU-R M.1371-1. Input material must include well described clarifications or additions to ITU-R M.1371-1・・・6
2. The Secretariat was asked to bring the proposed additional TWG meeting (as outlined in AIS16/output/03) to the attention of Council, along with the process for submission of revisions to ITU-R M.1371-1・・・6
3. The Secretariat was asked bring the proposed structure for IALA AIS Documentation (as revised) to the attention of Council・・・7
4. The Secretariat was asked to forward AIS16/TWG/WP01 - FATDMA issues - to AIS 17・・・7
5. The Secretariat was asked to forward the IEC Liaison Note AIS16/output/04 to IEC WG14 before the Ottawa meeting (21-24 March 2005)・・・7
6. The Secretariat was asked to forward the IEC Liaison Note AIS16/output/04 to AIS17 for review under Task 7・・・7
7. The Secretariat was asked to provide input to AIS17 on the response to NAV51/Info paper on SSRMs・・・8
8. The Secretariat is requested to forward the Liaison Paper regarding the charting of AtoN AIS (AIS16/output/02) to ANM6 for their consideration・・・8
9. The Secretariat was asked to forward the input paper(AIS16/12/4) to the IMO representative for briefing purposes・・・8
10. The Secretariat is requested to provide feedback, via the IALA Representative to IMO, to COMSAR that there is a need for a defined level of acceptance for LRT data, including temporal and spatial accuracy and latency for the receipt of positional data・・・10
11. The Secretariat is requested to include the draft document entitled "An Introduction to AIS" (AIS16/output/01) on the IALA website. In addition, hard copies should be provided to the International Chamber of Shipping for distribution to their members. Consideration should be given to including it in Admiralty List of Radio Signals (ALRS) Volume 5 and other national equivalents・・・10
12. The Secretariat is requested to forward the comments on AIS as a Traffic Monitoring Tool to ANM and the ANM Committee Chairman (Duncan Glass) requests committee members provide him with any additional comments or input・・・10
13. The Secretariat was asked to bring the issue of concerns of data accuracy to the attention of the VTS Committee (VTS22)・・・12
Action Items - AIS Committee Members
14. N. Ward was asked to obtain Class B Trial reports and provide as input to the AIS Committee as input to the TWG intersessional meeting April 25-29, 2005 and AIS17・・・5
15. The Chair of the TWG (W. Van der Heijden) was asked invite members of the TWG to intersessional meetings of the TWG in April 2005 and 10-14 October 2005 (tentative) to draft the revision of ITU-R M.1371-1・・・6
16. J. H. Oltmann was asked to lead an intersessional correspondence working group to continue development on the FATDMA issue and provide input to AIS17・・・7
17. J. H. Oltmann was asked to provide English translation of the System Architecture documentation to AIS17・・・7
18. The TWG Chair was asked to forward the IEC Liaison Note AIS16/output/04 to the intersessional TWG meeting (25-29 April 2005)・・・7
19. B. Pettersson, B. Kelloway and N. Ward were asked to review the AIS section of the IALA Navguide, in the context of the entire document, and provide input to ANM6・・・10
20. Members were asked to provide reports on experiences with data inaccuracies in AIS as input to AIS17 for further review. A round table discussion will be held on this issue at AIS17, and initial analysis of the data will be undertaken・・・12

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