日本財団 図書館

Annex 1 - IALA Committee Agenda - AIS16
AIS Committee
16th session
Agenda item 1
March 1 - March 4, 2005
 The 16th meeting of the AIS Committee will be held from March 1 - March 4, 2005 at IALA Headquarters, Saint Germain-en-Laye, France. The opening plenary will commence at 1400 on Tuesday March 1, and the closing plenary will end at approximately 1300 on Friday, March 4. Committee Chair, Vice-chair and working group Chairpersons are requested to meet at 1000 on Tuesday March 1, 2004.
1 Approval of the agenda.
2 Review of action items from AIS15.
3 Review and update of AIS Workprogramme.
4 Reports from other bodies:
4.1 IALA Council
4.2 IMO
4.3 Other bodies as appropriate
5 Report from Rapporteurs for items to be monitored:
5.1 Progress of technical definition of Class B mobile stations at IEC (WG8A).
5.2 Progress of Fixed AIS Stations and AIS AtoNs at IEC (WG14).
6 Revision of ITU-R M.1371-1 Technical Clarifications (Ed.1.5) (Task 3*) (to be completed session 16)
7 Revision of IALA AIS Guidelines (Task 4*)
8 Maintain and Revise IALA Recommendation A-124, AIS Shore Station and Networking Aspects relating to the AIS Service (Task 7*)
9 Co-ordinate requirements and prepare appropriate proposals for submission by National Authorities to ITU regarding frequency spectrum issues on AIS frequencies. (Task 5) (to be completed at session 16)
11 Provisional Agenda for next session.
12 Any Other Business.
 Members are requested to provide comments or proposals on any of the above items to the Secretariat by not later than January 28, 2005.
 Documents received by the Secretariat will be published on the Committee web-site normally within three working days of receipt.
* Note - items marked with an asterix (*) reflect the Task Number referenced in the Proposed Work Programme as approved by IALA Council.
Annex 2 - AIS 16 Participants
Manager REEF VTS, Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Mr. Neil Trainor
C/ Maritime Safety Queensland
GPO Box 2525
Brisbane Q 4001
Phone + 61 7 3120 7422
Fax + 61 7 3120 7440
E-mail neil.trainor@amsa.gov.au
European Maritime Safety Agency
Mr. Ulf Birgander
P O Safety Navigation
Rue de Genève 12 03/18
B-1049 Bruxelles
Phone + 32 (0)2 298 63 61
Fax + 32 (0)2 299 48 91
E-mail ulf.birgander@emsa.eu.int
Canadian Coast Guard
Mr. Bruce Kelloway
P.O. Box 5667
St. John's, NL
A1C 5X1
Phone + 1 709 772 4503
Fax + 1 709 772 2454
E-mail kellowayb@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Armada de Chile - Directemar, Direccion de Seguridad y Operaciones Maritimas
Cmdr. Estanislao Sebeckis Arce
Faro Punta Angeles
Playa Ancha
Phone + 56 32 208660
Fax + 56 32 208632
E-mail sdiromar@directemar.cl
Gate House A/S
Mr. Michael Stoettrup
Lingholm Brygge 31
Phone + 45 7020 19 09
E-mail mst@gatehouse.dk
Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography
Mr. Claus Jakob Bang
P.O. Box 1919
DK-1023 Copenhagen K
Phone + 45 32 68 95 83
E-mail cjb@frv.dk
Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrograpy
Mr. J. Kristian Jensen
P.O. Box 1919
DK-1023 Copenhagen K
Phone + 45 32 68 96 77
E-mail jkj@frv.dk
Finnish Maritime Administration
Ms. Kaisu Heikonen
P.O. Box 171
FIN-00181 Helsinki
Phone + 358 204 484 341
Fax + 358 204 484 470
E-mail kaisu.heikonen@fma.fi
M. Xavier Bertrand
Technopôle Brest Iroise
B.P. 5
29200 Brest
Phone + 33 2 98 05 88 03
Fax + 33 2 98 05 67 67
E-mail xavier.bertrand@equipement.gouv.fr
M. Jacky Bironneau
151 Quai du Rancy
94381 Bonneuil sur Marne
Phone + 33 1 45 13 52 96
Fax + 33 1 45 13 53 49
E-mail jacky.bironneau@equipement.gouv.fr
Fachstelle für Verkehrstechniken (Traffic Technologies Centre)
Mr. Stefan Bober
Weinbergstrasse 11-13
56070 Koblenz
Phone + 49 261 9819 2231
Fax + 49 261 9819 2155
E-mail sbober@fvt.wsv.de
Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration
Mr. Jan-Hendrik Oltmann
W&S Directorate North/North West
Hindenburgufer 247
24106 Kiel
Phone + 49 431 3394 5701
Fax + 49 431 3394 6399
E-mail Joltmann@wsd-nord.de
Commissioners of Irish Lights
Mr. Steve Burrows
16 Lower Pembroke Street
Dublin 2
Phone + 353 1 632 1978
Fax + 353 1 632 1979
E-mail s.burrows@cil.ie
Oki Consulting Solutions Co., Ltd.
Mr. Takamasa Yauchi
11-5 Shibaura 4 chome
Phone + 81 3 5445 6017
Fax + 81 3 3452 7814
E-mail yauchi427@oki.com
Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
Mr. Shoichi Kuromori
1-1, Shimorenjaku 5 chome
Tokyo 181-8510
Phone + 81 422 45 9538
Fax + 81 422 45 9957
E-mail j07573_kuromori@m1.jrc.co.jp or j07573@m1.jrc.co.jp
JANA Executive Director
Mr. Tatsuo Sato
Kaiji Center Bldg.
4-5, Kouji-machi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, 102-0083
Phone + 81 3 3230 1470
Fax + 81 3 3230 1050
E-mail tatsuo-sato@jana.or.jp
Japan Maritime Coast Guard
Mr. Shigeru Oguma
1-3 Kasumigaseki 2 chome
Tokyo Japan 100-8918
Phone + 81 3 3591 6361
Fax + 81 3 3591 5468
E-mail seibi@kaiho.mlit.go.jp
TNO-FEL Radargroup, Maritime Navigation
Mr. Wim Van der Heijden
Oude Waalsdorperweg 63
P.O. Box 96864
2509 JG The Hague
Phone + 31 70 374 03 32
Fax + 31 70 374 06 54
E-mail vanderHeijden@fel.tno.nl

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