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Report of the 16th Session of the IALA AIS Committee
March 1-4, 2005
Executive Summary
 Annex 6, Action items 2, 3 and 11 and Annex 7, Amended Work Programme are brought to the attention of Council
 At its 16th session, the AIS Committee continued revision to existing IALA AIS documentation, including the structure of the IALA Guidelines. It was noted that the content of the proposed IALA AIS Guidelines Volume 2 (BAS) would be better presented in a revision of IALA Recommendation A-124. The revision of the document is underway, taking into account the work of the IALA-IEC TC80 WG14 (dealing with non-shipborne AIS Testing Standards). The anticipated publication of the next version of A-124 is Sept. 2005 (AIS17). IALA Guidelines will then consist of Part 1 - Operational Aspects and Part 2 - Technical Aspects. (action item 3 refers).
 In addition, work on the Technical Clarifications to ITU-R M.1371-1 continued. It was noted that this document will be up for review by ITU in early 2006, and the Committee is working to ensure the next version of the technical clarifications is available for submission. To ensure this is completed, the TWG met intersessionally in April, 2005. They are also proposing a further intersessional meeting in fall 2005. (action item 2 refers)
 The Committee continues to provide information on AIS, and completed an 'introduction to AIS' to be included on the IALA AIS web portal. This information may also be suitable for dissemination to the International Chamber of Shipping, for distribution to their members. (action item 11 refers)
 Ongoing concerns over the accuracy of data in AIS were discussed, and a briefing note for the IALA Representative to IMO was prepared.
AIS Committee
16th session
March 4, 2005
Report of the 16th Session of the IALA AIS Committee
 The 16th meeting of the AIS Committee was held from March 1-4, 2005 at IALA Headquarters, Saint Germain en Laye, France with Mr. Nick Ward as Chair and Mr. Benny Petersson as Vice-Chair. The secretary for the meeting was Ms. Jillian Carson-Jackson.
 Apologies were received from:
Kinsella, Timothy Lockheed Martin USA
Card, Mike ZeniLite Japan
Alimchandani, Mahesh AMSA Australia
O'Mahony, Sean Avianautical Australia
Moser, Thomas Frequentis Austria
Jegstad, Geir Norcontrol Norway
Findlay, James MCA UK
Dymond, Peter MCA UK
 The Chairman welcomed all members, especially new members to the group. The Chairman took especial pleasure in welcoming back Mr. Benny Pettersson, Vice-Chair, to the AIS Committee, following his stroke in the fall of 2003.
 The Chairman then introduced Mr. Torsten Kruuse, Secretary General IALA. Mr. Kruuse welcomed the members of the AIS Committee. He provided an overview of IALA activities, highlighting expectations for AIS16. In particular he noted the close liaison with IEC in the development of Shore Station Standards and the excellent work on the technical clarifications to ITU-R M.1371-1. He closed by wishing all participants a successful meeting. The Chairman thanked Mr. Kruuse for his comments.
 Ms. Virginia Butler of the Secretariat staff provided information on administrative details, including a safety briefing. Ms. Lorraine Mbong provided a briefing on accommodation and catering at IALA.
 In noting the large number of participants at AIS16, including some new members, the Chairman asked members to introduce themselves. He then presented the schedule for work and plenary sessions for the week (AIS16/1/3 refers)
1.1 Annexes
1.1.1 Agenda
 The agenda was adopted.
 A copy of the agenda is provided in Annex 1.
1.1.2 Participants
 A list of participants is provided in Annex 2.
1.1.3 Working Group Participants
 A list of working group participants is included in Annex 3.
1.1.4 Input Papers
 A list of input papers is provided in Annex 4.
1.1.5 Output and Working papers
 A list of output and working papers is provided in Annex 5.
1.1.6 Action Items
 A list of action items is provided in Annex 6.
1.1.7 Revised Work Programme
 The AIS Work Programme, as revised at AIS16, is provided in Annex 7.
1.1.8 Agenda, AIS17
 A provisional Agenda for AIS17 is provided in Annex 8.
 Input Document AIS16/2/1 refers.
 All action items from AIS15 were reviewed, and noted as being complete with the following exceptions / comments:
AIS15 Action Item 2 - Liaison with IEC is ongoing, and response on various issues can be provided with little time delay.
AIS15 Action Items 3, 13, 14 - This item deals with follow up on AIS 14 output on AIS Installation and data entry issues as well as GNSS concerns in AIS. J-C Leclair, IALA representative to IMO, provided a detailed response noting that, generally, the proposals on these issues were not really supported by Member States delegations at COMSAR 8 nor at NAV50. Also, the use of AIS had not yet entirely entered into force when the discussion took place. Mr. Leclair recommends that, if the problems still exist, the best procedure would be to submit a new proposal to the next NAV Sub-Committee (to be sent to IMO by the end of March after having received the approval of the IALA council Members). (Section 8.1.3 refers)
AIS15 Action Item 17 - D. Pietraszewski noted that input on capacity would be available during the meeting.
 Input Document AIS16/3/1 refers.
 The work programme was reviewed, and amended. A copy of the amended work programme is provided in Annex 7.
 Input Documents AIS16/4/1 - AIS16/4/8 refer. All reports from other bodies were noted.
4.1 Council Report (Session 35)
 The Report from Council Session 35 was reviewed, with particular emphasis on those aspects of the report dealing directly with AIS issues.
4.2 Report - IMO MSC79
 The Chairman drew attention to the relevant items in the report and referred it to the Working Groups for information. In particular he noted SN/Circ.244 and SN/Circ.245 as being relevant to the work of the Committee. These circulars were included on the final CD of the meeting, under the 'References' section.
4.3 Reports - ITU WP8B
 The reports from ITU WP8B were noted, and referred to the Working Groups for information.
4.4 Reports - IALA Seminars / Workshop
 The reports from related IALA Seminars and Workshops were noted.
 Due to the timing of the IEC meetings, reports from Rapporteurs were provided in a verbal format.
5.1 Progress of technical definition of Class B mobile stations at IEC.
 Mr. A. Stewart provided an overview of the work in WG8A, Class B Mobile Stations. He provided a presentation on the class B use of CSTDMA, which was included on the final CD under 'Presentations'.
 Discussion noted the requirement for reports on the various studies done into the use of CSTDMA. In particular, the installation of devices on pleasure craft could be an issue as there is a higher noise floor on pleasure craft than is represented in the testing environment. In response to the discussion, members provided input for the final CD, located under 'References'.
Action Item
 N. Ward was asked to obtain Class B Trial reports and provide as input to the AIS Committee as input to the TWG intersessional meeting April 25-29, 2005 and AIS17.
5.2 Progress of IEC WG14 - Non-shipborne AIS
 Mr. A. Stewart provided an overview of the work in IALA-IECWG14. He noted that the group had not reached CDV (committee draft for voting) during the February meeting as originally planned - however the work is proceeding well and CDV should be reached in late March 2005.

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