Chapter 4-2 Management and Use of Personal Identification Information
[Section 1 Resident Card Code]
(Description of the Resident Card Code)
Article 30-2. When making a description of resident card, mayor, unless the case provided in the next paragraph, describes the resident card code most recently described in the resident card.
2. When making a record of resident card of a new resident who has no history of basic resident registration in any municipality, mayor selects one resident card code from the list of resident card codes designated by Governor based on the provision of paragraph 1 in article 30-7, and describes it on the resident card. In that case, the selected code has to be different from any other resident's code.
3. When mayor describes the resident card code on the resident card according to the previous paragraph, mayor has to notify the resident of this action and the resident card code in writing as soon as possible.
(Request of Changing the Description of Resident Card Code)
Article 30-3. A person recoded on the basic resident registration can request the mayor who administers his basic resident registration to change his resident card code described in their resident card.
2. A person, who tries to request the change of description of his resident card code according to the previous paragraph, has to submit a document of request to the mayor who administers his basic resident registration according to the cabinet order. The document has to describe the request and the items required by the ministerial ordinance of Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications.
3. When receiving the documents of request from a person according to the previous paragraph, mayor selects a new resident card code from the list of resident card codes designated by Governor based on the provision of paragraph 1 in article 30-7 and describes it on his resident card in place of his current code. In that case, the selected code has to be different from any other resident's code.
4. When mayor describes the resident card code on the resident card according to the previous paragraph, mayor has to notify the resident of this action and the resident card code in writing as soon as possible.
(Delegation to the Cabinet Order)
Article 30-4. Other than those provided in the previous two articles, the necessary items for the description of resident card code are regulated by cabinet order.
(Notification to Governor)
Article 30-5. If Mayor modified or deleted the description of the resident card, or, fully or partly modified the items provided in Article 7, Item 1, 2, 3, 7 and 13 (The item provided in Item 7 is address. Same as above in this paragraph.), mayor notifies the governor the personal identification information (it means the items described on the resident card provided in Article 7, Item 1, 2, 3, 7 and 13 (In case of deleting the description of the resident card, it means the deleted items) and the items on the description of the resident card ruled by cabinet order. Same as above.).
2. The notification provided in the previous paragraph is conducted by the data transmission from the electric computer used by mayor to that of governor through the telecommunication line.
3. Governor who received the notification provided in the paragraph 1 has to record the notified personal identification information in the magnetic disc and preserve it during the period ruled by the cabinet order starting from the date of the notification.
(Provision of the Personal Identification Information to Other Municipalities)
Article 30-6. When other mayors or the executive organizations ruled by ordinance request provision of personal identification information for the purpose of processing the administrative work ruled by ordinance, mayor provides the personal identification information based on the rule of ordinance.
[Section 2 Affairs of Prefecture]
(Affairs of Governor)
Article 30-7. A governor shall, in accordance with the Ministerial Ordinance of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications (hereinafter "MOPMHPT"), assign Resident Card Code to a mayor of each municipality within the jurisdiction of the prefecture so that a mayor can register the assigned Resident Card Code in the Resident Card, and shall inform the mayor of the assigned Resident Card Code.
2. In assigning Resident Card Code following the statute of the previous Paragraph, a governor shall, in accordance with the MOPMHPT, consult other governors in advance so that the governor can cooperate with other governors so as to avoid assigning, to a mayor of a municipality within the jurisdiction of the prefecture, Resident Card Code that the governor or other governors have already assigned or assigning Resident Card Code that other governors intend to assign.
3. A governor shall, in accordance with the Cabinet Order, provide Personal Identification Information in reservation period (that is defined as Personal Identification Information that is informed in accordance with the statute of Paragraph 1, Article 30-5, and that has not passed its reservation period stated in Paragraph 3, Article 30-5 yet. Hereinafter defined same.), only when National Agency or Public Authority that is listed in Appendix 1 requests the Personal Identification Information so as to confirm a person's inhabitancy, regarding affairs of the National Agency or the Public Authority that are listed in Appendix 1.
4. A governor shall provide Personal Identification Information in reservation period to a mayor or another executive organ of a municipality within the jurisdiction of the prefecture (hereinafter referred to as "an executive organ of a municipality within the jurisdiction" in this Paragraph and in Item 4, Paragraph 1, Article 30-10), in the following cases. A governor shall provide Personal Identification Information in reservation period, in accordance with the Cabinet Order in the cases of the Item 1 and 3, and with the Prefecture Ordinance in the case of the Item 2:
(1) An executive organ of a municipality within the jurisdiction that is listed in the Appendix 2 requests Personal Identification Information regarding an affair that is listed in Appendix 2.
(2) An executive organ of a municipality within the jurisdiction that is designated in the Prefecture Ordinance requests Personal Identification Information regarding an affair that is stated in the Prefecture Ordinance.
(3) A mayor of a municipality within the jurisdiction of the prefecture requests Personal Identification Information regarding an affair Of the Basic Resident Registration.
5. A governor shall provide Personal Identification Information in reservation period to a governor or another executive organ of another prefecture (hereinafter referred to as "an executive organ of another prefecture" in this Paragraph and in Item 5, Paragraph 1, Article 30-10), in the following cases. A governor shall provide Personal Identification Information in reservation period, in accordance with the Cabinet Order in the cases of the Item 1 and 3, and with the Prefecture Ordinance in the case of the Item 2:
(1) An executive organ of another prefecture that is listed in Appendix 3 requests Personal Identification Information regarding an affair that is listed in Appendix 3.
(2) An executive organ of another prefecture that is designated in the Prefecture Ordinance requests Personal Identification Information regarding an affair that is stated in the Prefecture Ordinance.
(3) A governor of another prefecture requests Personal Identification Information regarding the affair stated in Paragraph 10 of this Article.
6. A governor shall provide Personal Identification Information in reservation period to a mayor or another executive organ of a municipality within the jurisdiction of another prefecture (hereinafter referred to as "an executive organ of a municipality within jurisdiction of another prefecture" in this Paragraph and in Item 6, Paragraph 1, Article 30-10), in the following cases. A governor shall provide Personal Identification Information in reservation period, in accordance with the Cabinet Order in the cases of the Item 1 and 3, and with the Prefecture Ordinance in the case of the Item 2:
(1) An executive organ of a municipality within jurisdiction of another prefecture that is listed in Appendix 4 requests Personal Identification Information through a governor of another prefecture regarding an affair that is listed in Appendix 4.
(2) An executive organ of a municipality within jurisdiction of another prefecture that is designated in the Prefecture Ordinance requests Personal Identification Information through a governor of another prefecture regarding an affair that is stated in the Prefecture Ordinance.
(3) A mayor of a municipality within jurisdiction of another prefecture requests the reserved Personal Identification Information through a governor of another prefecture regarding an affair of the Basic Resident Registration.
7. In the case stated in Item 3, Paragraph 5 of this Article, Personal Identification Information shall, in accordance with MOPMHPT, be transmitted from a computer of a governor of one prefecture to a computer of a governor of another prefecture through an electronic communication network, unless a governor of another prefecture requests otherwise.
8. A governor (except for a delegating governor stated in Paragraph 3, Article 30-10) shall, in accordance with MOPMHPT, at least once a year, prepare a report on the provision of Personal Identification Information stated in Paragraph 3, and publish the report.
9. A governor shall facilitate coordination amongst municipalities within jurisdiction of a prefecture, regarding transmission of Personal Identification Information through an electronic communication network stated in Paragraph 7 of this Article, and other municipal affairs stated in this Chapter.
10. A governor shall cooperate with a mayor so that a municipality within jurisdiction of a prefecture can accurately register information of residents in the Basic Resident Registration.
(Use of Personal Identification Information at Prefecture)
Article 30-8. A governor can use Personal Identification Information in reservation period in the following cases:
(1) To implement an affair that is listed in Appendix 5
(2) To implement an affair that is designated in the Prefecture Ordinance
(3) To implement an affair with which the person acknowledges that a governor uses its Personal Identification Information
(4) To make a document based on statistics
2. A governor shall, in accordance with the Prefecture Ordinance, provide Personal Identification Information in reservation period, when another executive organ of a prefecture that is designated by the Prefecture Ordinance requests Personal Identification Information, regarding an affair that is designated in the Prefecture Ordinance.
(Establishment of Prefecture Advisory Board)
Article 30-9. A prefecture shall establish an advisory board regarding security of Personal Identification Information that is notified as is stated in Paragraph 1, Article 30-5.
2. An advisory board shall investigate and discuss what an advisory board is responsible for; and upon consultation from a governor, investigate and discuss a matter regarding security of Personal Identification Information that is notified as is stated in Paragraph 1, Article 30-5, and make recommendations regarding such a matter.
3. Provisions necessary for an organization and management of prefecture advisory board shall be provided in the Prefecture Ordinance.