日本財団 図書館

 Though the general tendency revealed by the experimental data is captured by the model, some difference between the measured and the predicted data is noted. This is particularly true at higher speeds. Significant difference is also found between the predicted and the measured data from [2] for the 14.50°sloping bank. The experimental data for banks of different sloping angles are relatively limited; it is not surprising that the model for sloping banks is less accurate than that for vertical banks.
Influence of bank inclination on CY, prediction vs. experiments
Influence of bank inclination on CN, prediction vs. experiments
4.6 Influence of propeller loading CT
 To examine the validity of the model for propeller effects, comparisons are made of the total CY and CN measured with those computed by the model for a water depth at h/T=1.2 in Fig.14 and Fig.15.
Fig.14 Influence of propeller loading on CY
Fig.15 Influence of propeller loading on CN
 As seen, the mathematical model for CY_P seems to underpredict the propeller induced sway force. The model for CN_P overpredicts the propeller-induced yaw moment at y/B=-1.0 but underpredicts CN_P, at y/B=-0.6. The comparison indicates that the assumed linear relation of propeller-induced CY_P (and CN_P) with CT in the new model may be too simplified.
