日本財団 図書館

3.3 Survey by Questionnaire
 In the questionnaire. cadets were asked how effective the onboard simulator training was for the preparation of the anchoring practice using the training ship. Each of the question items was related to items of elemental technique and cadets were requested to reply in terms of "very effective", "effective", "not effective" and "negative". The details of the questionnaire are shown in Table 2.
 Fig. 3 summarizes the results of the questionnaire. As is obvious from Fig. 3. the cadets replied that the onboard simulator training was effective to practice such elemental techniques as planning. positioning, maneuvering, communication and management.
 Next, we focus on those items of elemental techniques to which 80 % or more cadets replied "effective" in order to consider what kind of training is suitable as the onboard simulator training prior to actual training. (Table 3) From the results shown in Table 3. it seems that the onboard simulator training was helpful and useful for cadets to practice the following techniques for anchoring.
(1) to identify the marks for ship-handling in the training area.
(2) to fix ship's position accurately.
(3) to measure the deviation from planned course and to estimate the external disturbance.
(4) to maneuver according to the standard of speed control for anchoring.
(5) to alter maneuvering plan properly according to the existing external disturbance.
(6) to understand the maneuverability of the ship.
(7) to use the main engine and/or rudder properly for the control of the ship.
 The survey data indicate that the bridge learn work training is helpful to improve the communication technique and the management technique of cadets, and this coincide with the assessment by the instructors.
 On the look-out technique. the reply "effective" was not so many. and on the instrument operation technique, a large number of cadets replied "negative". We supposed these reason as below.
 Regarding the look-out technique, cadets had no opportunity to have an observation training of other ships because we excluded the collision avoidance situation from the simulator training scenario. And, on the instrument operation technique, cadets could not experience the same instrument operation training as the training with real equipments since the onboard simulator is not a full-mission type simulator.
Table 2 Details of questionnaire
Elemental Technique Question
Planning Identification of marks for ship handling. Familiarization of chart work. Standard of speed control. Proper alteration of maneuvering plan according to external disturbance.
Look-out Identification of targets. Identification of marks. Measurement of bearing & distance of detected objects. Determination of risk of collision.
Positioning Identification of marks. Measurement of bearing & distance of marks. Measurement of deviation from planned course. Estimation of external disturbance by position fixing.
Maneuvering Understanding of maneuverability. Determination of time to start control. Proper use of rudder and/or engine. Recognition of the result of control.
Instrument operation Proper use of Radar & ARPA. Proper use of repeater compass. Proper use of navigational instruments. Proper use of Parallel Indexing.
Communication Exchanging of information. Information sharing. Reporting.
Management Bridge Resource Management. Recognition of individual responsibilities. Double checking. Proper task assignment.
Fig. 3 Results of Questionnaire
Table 3 Elemental technique items answered "effective" by 80% or more cadets
Elemental Technique Elemental Technique Item
Planning Identification of marks for ship handling. Familiarization of chart work. Standard of speed control. Proper alteration of maneuvering plan
Positioning Identification of marks. Measurement of bearing & distance of marks. Measurement of deviation from planned course. Estimation of external disturbance by position fixing.
Maneuvering Understanding of maneuverability. Determination of time to start control. Proper use of rudder and/or engine. Recognition of the result of control.
Communication Exchanging of information. Information sharing.
Management Bridge Resource Management. Recognition of individual responsibilities.
 From the results of the experiment described in previous chapter, onboard simulator training seems to be effective for following practice and training onboard a training ship.
(1) Planning of onboard practice and its advance verification.
(2) Information exchange procedure and reporting.
(3) Onboard practice preparation including a confirmation of role play.
(4) Practice to distinguish navigational marks and position fixing practice utilizing marks.
(5) Ship-handling simulation to understand the maneuverability of own ship and external disturbance which affects a movement of a ship.
(6) Practice to control a ship by the use of main engine and/or rudder.
 Next we considered about onboard training item which is suitable to apply the proposed training method using onboard SMS and. in table 4, we show some training examples with related items of elemental technique except the practice of anchoring explained in the previous chapter. Fig. 4 is an example of training procedure that combined onboard simulator training and onboard training.
 On the application of proposed training method, it is important to choose a proper training item after consider the advantage of the onboard simulator training described in chapter 2. And, as to development of scenario, it is better to include effect of wind and tide and another ship approaches in it to let cadets familiar with the circumstances of training area in advance. These measures will make advance onboard simulator training more effective and practical. As training replay function is one of the unique points of simulator. the use of onboard SMS is effective for the debriefing to cadets after onboard training.
Table 4 Example of onboard training combined with SMS training
Example of Training Elemental Technique Item
Voyage planning of narrow channel Identification of marks. Familiarization of chart work. Measurement of bearing & distance of marks. Measurement of deviation from planned course. Estimation of external disturbance by position fixing. Determination of time to start control. Proper use of rudder and/or engine. Recognition of the result of control.
Measurement of maneuverability Determination of time to start control. Proper use of rudder and/or engine. Recognition of the result of control. Exchange of information. Recognition of individual responsibilities.
ship handling in manoverboard station drill Determination of time to start control. Proper use of rudder and/or engine. Recognition of the result of control.
Practice of steering Recognition of the result of control. Exchange of information. Reporting.
Example of Onboard Training Procedure Combined with SMS Training
