日本財団 図書館

The Expert Meeting on Maritime Safety and Marine Environment Protection in South East Asia
Under the sponsorship of Shipbuilding Department of JETRO Singapore Center, the captioned meeting was held to exchange information on maritime safety and marine environment protection in South East Asian waters.
1. Time and date: November 19-20, 2003
2. Venue: Marina Mandarin Hotel, Singapore
3. Agenda
●Current regulations on ships engaged in domestic transportation in the participant countries
●Promotion of information exchange on maritime safety and marine environment protection
4. Handouts
As per attached list
5. Discussion Summary
1) Mr. Masahiro Uesono, Director of Shipbuilding Department of JETRO Singapore Center described the scope and purpose of the meeting:
2) Mr. Uesono introduced the Japanese observers at the meeting, which was followed by greetings of Mr. Hiroshi Ishiwata, President of The Cooperative Association of Japan Shipbuilders (CAJS), as follows:
■CAJS is an incorporated body comprises of companies on shipbuilding and repair in Japan.
■Many ships in SEA that built by CAJS members
■Therefore important to understand marine safety and environmental protection in South East Asia
■Pleased to participate in this meeting with regulators.
3) Mr. Eisuke Kudo, Managing Director of Ship & Ocean Foundation (SOF), made an introductory remark, as follows:
This meeting was not organized by any governmental initiative. But in response to a call from JETRO, WMU Sasakawa Fellows who have gathered here, encouraged by fellow feeling and friendship. We have gathered here on an equal footing. This fact guarantees us the following two things:
■It is possible to express one's views freely in one's private capacity.
Therefore, be careful not to interpret other participants' comments as official views of the governments or organizations for which they are working.
■It is not necessary to present your government's official views, or try to reach a foregone conclusion
Mr. Kudo concluded his remark by saying that he hoped the participants engaged in a vigorous discussion for future international cooperation in South East Asia.
4) Mr.Ikuo Ishida, Director of Safety and Standards Division, Maritime Bureau, Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, delivered a keynote address:
The Maritime Bureau, MLIT is responsible for setting standards on maritime safety and marine environmental protection regarding ships construction and equipments, coordinating with related ministers and government offices, and authorizing classification society (NK). The National Maritime Research Institute carries out researches concerning securing safe maritime transportation, advanced maritime transportation and marine environmental protection. The Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan is a private research association and responsible for research and study on issues discussed in IMO.
As far as a current agenda for Maritime Safety is concerned, the improvement of safety of bulk carriers and the enlarged function of IMO are important issues. The prevention of air pollutions from ships, the prevention of oil pollution, the prevention of transportation of harmful aquatic organisms and the prohibit usage of anti fouling system are important issues in the field of the environmental protection.
5) At the proposal of Mr. Uesono, the participants agreed to relay chairpersonship from a representative of one country to another as individual presentations proceed.
6) Presentation of Country Reports
As for Agendum 1), the participants gave presentation of country reports.
a. Indonesia
(Chairperson Ms. Sonia of Philippines)
Conclusions of Indonesia country report presented in the meeting on maritime safety and marine environment protection in South East Asia.
●Maritime safety (including marine pollution prevention and combating / response) is part of maritime transport system and is carried out by the Directorate General of Sea Communications based on the international standard regulating the matters.
●As flag state and port state. Indonesia has its own regulation for ships of non conventional Indonesian waters oriented to international standard.
●Regarding ISPS code, Indonesia has already issued Minister of Communication decree No. 33/2003 for its implementation and will be executed through national maritime safety committee.
Q&A Session
●A question was raised by Mr Narinsak of Thailand on how Indonesia deal with the problem of competency of port state officers and how they strictly implement port state control. This concern, according to Mr Roy Kasiono, is being addressed through awareness drive with ship owners. Emphasis is given on the influence of maritime safety in shipping business.
●The problem in the implementation of ISPS code was raised specifically on the training requirement for seamen.
●The presenter mentioned that there might be a possibility that implementing states to request the ISPS code implementation be postponed. However, Mr Bodajos of Philippine gave an opinion that extension might not be possible as system had been laid down.
●Another question was raised on how Indonesia deals with the concerns/issues of ballast water. The reception facilities in port were the problem. However, Indonesia is trying to enforce tighter regulations on ships carrying oil.
●Finally, Mr Kudo inquired on the statistics on accidents in Indonesia between ships and pleasure crafts as well as the extent of casualties resulting from these incidents.
b. The Philippines
(Chairperson: Ms. Wanna of Thailand)
The Philippine government, through the MARINA and the Philippine Coats Guard, supports the efforts of the IMO and other regional efforts in implementing policies, rules, regulations towards the attainment of a safe, secure and effective shipping in clean ocean. International conventions and codes applicable or covering Philippine registered ships are being implemented while applicable or practicable provisions are also adapted in some areas to non conventional ships. Several national legislations were promulgated and specific rules and regulations were implemented to prevent pollutions or protect the marine environment. Contingency plan is also implemented in cases of accidents/incidents of oil spill or marine pollution. Other safety policy measures were introduced to smaller domestic vessels to enhance or improve maritime safety in the domestic trade. Efforts are also geared towards implementation of the maritime security measures pursuant to the provisions of SOLAS Chapter X1.2 and the ISPS code.
Q&A Session
Q1 Referring to the phasing out of wooden ship, do you think that the material such as fiber FRP can replace the usage of wood?
A1 Yes, this may be one good alternative. However at the moment, the Philippines government is searching for alternative boat building technology and considering about social and economic impact.
Q2 Is there any local classification limitation in terms of ship's size?
A2 there is unsure about the size of ship which can be classed.
Q3 What is the difference between NSM and ISM?
A3 The NSM or National Safety Management is created for the purpose of enhancing safety for domestic shipping management. The NSM covers both functional and economical requirement, and also has simplified manuals.
Q4 As Philippines has many islands, there should be various domestic water transport system. However, there was an accident earlier this year with the casualty of 30 people. Are there any preventive measures taken to prevent those accidents?
A4 The Philippines has introduced the requirement on regular basis crews' training on safe navigation, collision regulation, and etc. Furthermore, the phasing out of wooden ship can be another solution.
Q5 Regarding environmental problem, are there any objections from small ship owners to be implementation of MARPOL?
A5 There is few objection, the main objection is concerned with the cost of equipment as the example of the installation of the oil-water separator for fishing vessel having size larger than 400GT.
c. Thailand
(Chairperson: Mr. Vu The Quang of Vietnam)
According to recent strategic plan of Thailand, MOT is urged to create safe and environmental friendly transportation for better quality of life throughout revision and innovation of laws concern. Particularly, on the domestic transport, the marine department has taken important role for improving national laws such as revision of the navigation in Thai waters Act and enacting of new rule of ship survey. All laws are intended to contribute for better maritime safety environmental protection and to be fitted with rapidly changed world. Thailand strongly believes that safer domestic transport will benefit for society and considerably support to national economic development considerably.
Q&A Session
a) What kind of pollutions caused by small ships in Bangkok and how to deal with this?
-Pollution from small ships is usually caused by banker oil and waste. The Thai government promulgated regulations to deal with this.
b) The kora channel project will be starting in the near future, so how about environmental effect assessment of this project?
-The project now under consideration by Thai government. They are having regular meetings to study and evaluate the environmental repercussions, but there is no conclusion to date.
d. Vietnam
(Chairperson: Mr Rusman of Indonesia)
Vietnam country report gave overview of a location and geographic features of Vietnam, Vietnam commercial port system, Vietnam National Merchant Fleet and occurrence of marine disasters and marine pollutions in Vietnamese territorial water. It also gave maritime and inland waterway administration in Vietnam, including organization structure, main functions of their bodies and sub- bodies such as port authorities, maritime safety agency, maritime safety inspectorate, maritime search and rescue coordination center and ship communication and electronic company. The report also presented present regulations and policies on maritime safety and maritime environment, conservation. Its content present regulations on maritime safety of ships and maritime environment conservation against ship engaged in domestic transportation. Policies on maritime safety of ship and marine environment conservation against ship engage in domestic transportation are last part of the report.
Q&A Session
There was a question on the major causes of accidents, to which Vietnam representative answered due to negligence of seafarers.
Another question raised was the function of coast guard, but the Vietnam representative said the Vietnam coast guard is fairly new.
Next question was on the oil spill contingency plan. In Vietnam there is a frame work laid down 2 years ago. But there are few activities to implement the decision. The last question was on the authority which issue regulations for the small ships that runs the rivers. Vietnam representative replied that it was VlNAMARINE which issue such regulations for sea-faring vessels for ships capacity >100 ton.
