日本財団 図書館

Avaiki Shipping Company Limited
Draft Business Plan
Planning Model
Environmental Scan
Economic issues
・The decrease in local economic growth, and the consequent lack of demand for commodities which make up the bulk of the economy1. This has been largely attributed to the ethnic tension which may escalate and drive further down the economic activity levels.
・Rising inflation (12.9% as at September 1998 compared to 8.2% as at September 1997).
・Because the Solomon Islands inflation rate persistently exceeds those of its major trading partners and the government exchange rate policy is to maintain a stable real effective exchange rate in the long term, a currency depreciation is possible in the current year. The effect will be to drive upwards the operational overhead of all industries dependant on imported supplies including shipping.
Political/social issues
・The level of ethnic unrest has had an immense effect on the economy and social behaviour of Solomon Islanders. The cost of funding the effects of the tension has meant that non-essential infrastructure and grants have been delayed. Existing projects have slowed and general level of consumer spending has also decreased as evidence shows a slowdown in the urbanisation trend in Honiara.
・Higher levels of violence has resulted in many people returning to their home province with most travelling via sea. There does not appear to be any reduction in the level of violence in the immediate future particularly with increasing deaths and firearm shipments.
Industry issues
・The shipping industry profitability is linked to the level of the economic activity. Recent purchases of shipping vessels have been for individual reasons and not exclusively due to profit prospects, for example CEMA and its three cargo ships.
・Each Province (except RenBel) are currently regularly serviced by ships which have been purchased by the respective Provincial Governments or Provincial based development Companies. This implies that sector routes will be highly competitive with prospects of Companies being subsidised to continue shipping services in their own Province. A recent report by the European Union confirms that certain routes including Rennell/Bellona was genuinely uncommercial and recommended a subsidy scheme be implemented.
・High cost of operational requirements with likelihood of further increases has created high failure rates in shipping enterprises. A critical mass of population and economic activity will drive the success of the vessels operations and with reducing demand for exported commodities, and little commercial activity taking place on key route to RenBel, makes long term prospects not good.
・Very high financial costs of gearing and high capital startup costs makes further shipping industry development in the Solomon Islands impossible without assistance from other sources such as the National Government.
・The size and type of the vessel is critical to servicing the needs of the target market as well as still being affordable and capable of satisfying potential customers.
Situational Analysis
・The operating structure of Avaiki Shipping Company Limited will be split into two categories referred to as land based and sea based activities.
Land Based:
Land base operations will be initially setup on both Rennell/Bellona and Honiara. Office based staffing will need to be identified prior to the arrival of the ship and to begin the process of securing slot charter arrangements and undertake market research to identify sectors where potential for operations may exist.
Staff Structure
This structure is extremely simple and allows for future expansion. It also anticipates an emphasis on cross functional training and allows for possibility of job rotation in recognition of the fact that the Company is small and will place a great reliance on individual members of the team.
The selection of suitably qualified individuals for both land and sea operations will be an important driver of costs particularly in the long term and not enough emphasis can be placed on the importance of the "correct choice". The process of this is outside the scope of this discussion paper however it is recommended that a committee is formed specifically to deal with staffing and remuneration packages.
It is important to note the value of the management team will affect the rates of insurance, risk profile and assessment of financiers when seeking credit facilities (a prospect for the future but also outside the scope of this paper) and the effect of proper management decisions which will have an immediate impact on cash flow and overall financial performance.
Sea Based Operations:
As discussed under industry issues the type of vessel is critical to the ability of the Company to meet its objectives and still remain a going concern. This portion of the report draws from meetings with relevant experts in the industry who identified the type of vessel suitable for our needs. The vessel recommended2 would require a minimum of ten crew members when fully operational. A typical staffing structure is as follows:
Staff Structure
All staff will be locals and a listing follows of key positions with possible candidates who have been identified as potentially available for hire.
For the post of Captain:
Holders of Master Pacific:
1. John Katalake
2. O'Brien Kaiea
3. John Kwalemani
Holder of Foreign Going Ticket:
1. Judah Kulabule
For the post of Chief Engineer:
1. Barnabbas Leo
2. George Tara
These critical posts are also required to be filled for the transport of the vessel from overseas port to Honiara. The bare minimum crew for this will be five with an additional Captain, 2nd Engineer and deckhand who need to be identified and appropriate approach made prior to finalising the purchase of the vessel. The degree of experience and qualification of the key posts is dependant on the actual vessel and its engine size/strength/type.
Incorporated Company:
Avaiki Shipping Company Limited is incorporated with shares being allotted on trust to the Provincial Development Authority. The tax consequences of this structure is an exemption of taxes as a result of the involvement of the Provincial Government however it is the recommendation of this paper to formally seek a tax exemption certificate from Inland Revenue.
Further investigation as to the extent of this exemption also needs to be undertaken.
The Company structure offers an appropriate structure for raising capital through external sources once the Company has the assets provided by the initial development grant from the National Government. Recent papers from STABEX and EEC suggest that a review of the shareholding may become necessary to access aid back funding in the near future however at the date of this paper no formal requirement was noted or mentioned by the respective government authorities.
Corporate identity
Being a newly formed Company we have the opportunity of being able to create our corporate identity. A conservative amount has been budgeted for to allow for corporate letterheads and signage to be put in place. The corporate colours are recommended to mirror the Provincial flag (which is yet to be decided and may be preempted by this exercise).
The existence of these on the stationary and accounting documents will also deter fraudulent behavior and aid in the earlier detection of such.
The Company will utilise computers to ensure modern decision support systems are put in place. The system will be initially a combination of both manual and computerised processes allowing an easy audit trial and quicker compilation of accounts. It is recommended that a monthly reporting deadline be put in place in which the prior months performance is assessed and any corrective action can be quickly put in place. Account structure and detail of information will also need to be determined by the Board and incorporated into senior management performance based remuneration package. A Finance Sub-Committee which consists of board members and other invited experts will be responsible for overseeing the financial performance of the Company
Communications will be via radio wireless, email, faxes and local phonecalls only. This ensures we are utilising the most cost effective means of communicating.
The shipping technology requirements will be specifically identified during the selection of the ship but certainly the minimum equipment as required by International and Solomon Islands Maritime laws will be included in the purchase. Discussions with experts suggest that the most appropriate vessel will be from Japan3. The Japanese used shipping fleet is more likely to be of a higher quality then other country's ship traders (eg: Korea), as Japan is more up to date with their maintenance requirements and they utilise the latest technological advances to ensure the best quality control in ship maintenance.
Potential to reduce expenses
Apart from the potential for growth it should also be possible to cut costs by working more closely with our Province and examine potential to share common costs. This rational recognises that shipping will be critical in the future development of Rennell/Bellona which will in turn lead to prospects of increased revenue collections by the Provincial Government.
Other potential areas of cost control include:
・Utilising aid funding for key positions with project submissions made under training/skills transmission and dealt with through political channels
・If the opportunity arises, subleasing out of our existing office space.
・Encourage Province development in key supply areas such as fuel and lubricants and utilising cost savings from bulk purchases
・Promote cost saving behaviour and encourage pride in the use and preservation of the shipping vessel and equipment. This also implies that expense will be made on appropriate security staff to prevent damage to Company assets.
・Deferring high capital expenditures until both suitable funding and proper timing has been agreed. During the startup phase only essential services and activities should be setup and monitored.
・Tax benefits discussed above
The most critical driver of overheads in the sea operations is the choice of vessel and its suitability for our market. Comments made by Mr Naniseni Basiara suggest that a vessel similar to the size of MV Isabella will be the most appropriate and it is on this recommendation that the vessel will be identified, valued and finally purchased.

1 Export receipts dropped by 8.3% with fish down by 48.2%, copra down by 9.4%, palm products dropped by 15.4% and "others" down by 28.4% respectively Central Bank of Solomon Islands Quarterly Review. March 2000, Volume 12, Number 1 Page 3.
2 Following a meeting with Mr Naniseni Basiara, Principal Marine Surveyor, Marine Department
3 Following a meeting with Mr Naniseni Basiara, Principal Marine Surveyor, Marine Department
