Enhanced Capacity for Human Resource Development
Education and training are the key to developing the single largest resource the people of Kiribati, and particularly the youth. For Kiribati to achieve its Vision, education and training institutions have to become more efficient and effective in delivering the required educational and training services. Identifying occupational skills and education standards that are most critically needed in industry and government is a major task that must be addressed on an ongoing basis. It is essential to ensure that this information is efficiently disseminated and utilized by the appropriate institutions, such as METT and TTI. The HRD Plan formulated by PSO is intended to provide a framework through which the management of human resources can be handled more effectively and efficiently.
With implementation of the JSS program and the objective of all youth having access to education through Form 3, greater numbers of youth will be entering the labour force with a higher level of educational attainment than in the past. However, there is a critical need to strengthen the vocational-technical program in secondary schools to better prepare school leavers to undertake post-secondary training.
An efficient and focussed health care system is also important for human resources development. Quality of medical services and health care is a major contributor to an improved quality of life. Improvements in the health care system have already led to longer life expectancy and a generally healthier community and workforce. With longer life expectancy (partly the result of progress in lowering infant and child mortality rates), the growth rate in population has risen.
The high rate of growth of population, particularly in South Tarawa, is having and increasingly severe and adverse impact on our limited land resources and fragile environment. There is a need for Kiribati to adopt a population policy that addresses the management of areas of high population density (in South Tarawa) and also the need to lower population growth. These can both be undertaken through education, community awareness and family planning programmes.
Stronger International Linkages
Linkages to the International Economy
■Transparency and consistency in dealings with foreigners, foreign governments and agencies;
■Maintaining the confidence of the international community;
■Efficient processing of visas and work permits; and
■Practicing good governance.
■Maintaining cultural values
The nation is fortunate in having many beneficial linkages with the international community. Examples include: merchant seamen and labourers working overseas; students attending USP and other educational institutions; professional and technical links related to technical assistance programs and projects; overseas investments (RERF and KPF); and economic, social and cultural relations that are a part of political and diplomatic ties, particularly those with a major presence in Kiribati (Australia, New Zealand, and China). The box highlights important factors that should be observed to strengthen and maintain these linkages.
Kiribati is an active member of all the major Pacific regional organisations. The country's commitment to these has been demonstrated by its offer to host the Millenium year Forum Meeting, the Annual SOPAC Meeting for 2000 and the 2001 FEMM. Strengthening regional links is an important issue in ensuring that the voice of the Pacific is properly heard in the global community.
Potential exists for extending and strengthening international linkages at all levels. Actively participating in cultural, social, scientific-technical, commercial and political organizations can be expected to bring substantial benefits, both at the organizational and the individual level. I-kiribati participating in international programs or exchanges have the opportunity to learn of innovative ways to address specific opportunities or problems; they also become aware of "best practices" and/or international standards that exist across a wide range of activities. Social, cultural, commercial and political linkages are likely to have a beneficial influence in promoting good governance, use of best practices, and the transfer of innovative approaches to Kiribati conditions and circumstances.
Key Policy Issues
Devolving from the Strategic Outcomes are a number of key structural policy issues affecting national development which must be addressed. These may be summarised as;
●Public sector reform;
●Creating an enabling environment for private sector development; and
●Human resources development.
These issues are discussed further in this section. Their resolution is critical to enabling the nation to move ahead and achieve the strategic outcomes and vision that have been outlined.
Public Sector Reform
Government is formulating a comprehensive public sector reform program. Elements of the programme are highlighted in the accompanying box. For Kiribati to be successful in implementing the reforms there will have to be a high level of commitment on the part of political leaders and government administrators. This is absolutely essential. There will also need to be acceptance and support amongst the public at large.
The adoption of output budgeting has begun to require ministries to focus more sharply on the outputs they produce. It also requires them to be held accountable for service delivery.
Public Sector Reform
■Full institutionalisation of the output budgeting system, including the introduction of performance based contracts and effective performance monitoring.
■Implementing a Strategic Management Information System to aid budget management, monitoring and control;
■Restructuring (right-sizing) of government ministries to concentrate on core functions, and a more efficient and effective delivery of outputs in accordance with performance standards;
■Establishment of clear priorities to assist in efficient resource allocation;
■Privatisation of PE's and/or more rigorous enforcement of commercial management and operational practices;
■External borrowing only to be incurred for investment projects that are consistent with national policy objectives, have been appraised to ensure that an acceptable rate of return will be achieved, and which are sustainable in terms of technical, human and financial resource use.
■Maintaining prudent fiscal management
In focusing more sharply on their outputs, ministries must be required to define outputs that emphasize core functions. For activities that do not directly support core functions, including commercial activities that could be produced by the private sector, transitional strategies should be formulated to enable their transfer, privatisation, contracting out or closing. For activities that support core functions, ministries should enable managers to allocate resources so that outputs are produced and delivered in the most efficient or cost-effective manner.
Implementing the policy initiatives shown in the box is expected to result in both greater public sector efficiency, and in strengthening government's fiscal position, thereby promoting macro-economic stability.
Creating an Enabling Environment for Private Sector Development
Kiribati's medium term growth prospects depend critically on the government's speed and commitment to implementing measures to promote an enabling environment for private sector led growth. The measures listed in the accompanying box need to be implemented in cooperation with the private sector. Timely progress in implementing these measures is calculated to create the favourable enabling environment needed to stimulate growth and development of the private sector.
Failure to act on a timely basis to implement these enabling measures will result in little growth in private sector employment. The large number of youth who will enter the labour force in the 2000-2003 period will face the prospect of unemployment. In such circumstances pressure on government would likely mount to provide public sector employment. Such a development would jeopardise the fiscal balance.
Measures for an Enabling Environment
■Commitment to strengthen communication and cooperation between the public and private sectors;
■Revise investment incentives program to make it more open, transparent and market based;
■Streamline the investment approval process;
■Strengthen education and training to provide occupational and management skills needed for development;
■Strengthen the domestic financial system and improve resource mobilization;
■Improve access to land for investment and development purposes;
■Continue corporatization and privatization program:
■Improve economic and social infrastructure and services;
■Continue reform of the taxation and tariff system to remove distortions which prevent an efficient allocation of resources.
Human Resources Development
Kiribati's education system, including both public and private institutions, has made significant progress in raising the quality of services and in increasing access to a full secondary level of education. This has led to raised aspirations and expectations of youth in looking forward to employment which would enable them to realize their personal development potential. Formal employment is the primary aspiration of almost all school leavers.
Human Resources Development Initiatives
■Fully implementing JSS program, including upgrading of teaching staff by 2003;
■Strengthening of primary education through upgrading teacher qualifications, materials and facilities;
■Increasing student intake in Forms 4-6 by 25% by 2003, accompanied by strengthening curricula and teacher qualifications, including the vocational-technical program;
■Raising literacy levels in both Kiribati and English;
■Raising capacity of TTI by increasing number and qualifications of staff, and by extending range of subject programs offered;
■Increased emphasis on primary-preventive health care and reproductive health.
However, given that a large proportion of school leavers will not be able to obtain formal jobs, there needs to be an increased emphasis on basic education and vocational technical training at the JSS and Secondary levels. This emphasis should be designed to prepare youth to effectively participate in adult education programs, short-term training, and formal and non-formal post-secondary training. This will help them become more productive in the outer-island village economy (farming and fishing), and in other types of income earning activities particularly those activities involving the owner-ship and operation of small businesses. This would facilitate development of Kiribati entrepreneurial skills, thereby supporting development of a more robust private sector.
The Ministry of Health will continue to emphasize the primary health care approach that has proven to be more cost-effective. Although high priority will be given to preventive health programs, including immunizations, improved nutrition and the promotion of healthy lifestyles, curative services will be maintained. Reproductive health has also been designated a high priority program. Reproductive health encompasses maternal and child (pre-and post-natal) care, family planning (birth control options), and prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases. In particular the threat posed by the HIV/Aids virus will be fully assessed.