図9.1-1 Test case1
KS-STEP AP215 Test Case1: Multiple Tank compartment with
properties |
(Conformance Class 2)
ARM Apprication Objects Diagram
KS-STEP AP215 Test Case2 : Loading Condition
(Conformance Class 5)
ARM Apprication Objects Diagram
KS-STEP AP215 Test Case1 + Case2 : Multiple Tank compartment with properties + Loading Condition |
ARM Apprication Objects Diagram
APPENDIX 4-1: AP215 DIS Annex F AAM Diagram 抜粋(1/3)
Perform ship life cycle
APPENDIX 4-1: AP215 DIS Annex F AAM Diagram 抜粋(2/3)
Create preliminary design
APPENDIX 4-1: AP215 DIS Annex F AAM Diagram 抜粋(3/3)
Ship general arrangements