日本財団 図書館

5.1   POLICY
When a vessel asks for information this may be given provided such action contributes to safety and the essential safeguards are taken. The giving of such information is not to be regarded as a matter of routine and the occasions on which such information is requested are expected to be rare. Such information can only be given when positive identification has been achieved without any doubt. Care is to be taken not to encroach on commercial matters.
5.1.2 Information given to vessels must be confined to facts, and particular care must be taken to avoid advice, expressions of opinion, or orders. The information must be presented in such a way as to leave the Master in no doubt that the choice of any action to be taken is his alone. A disclaimer is to be transmitted to the vessel as follows:
"This Service only gives information and the Master is responsible for any actions he takes".
When applicable, the following should be added:
"Radar information is given on the understanding that some objects may not be detected by the radar at this Station".
5.1.3 The particular case of a Master asking how the regulations are to be applied requires that information on the appropriate rule shall be transmitted after the disclaimer at 5.1.2 above.
5.2.1 particular care is required when information has been requested by vessels without radar in reduced visibility. There must be no doubt that the vessel in question is correctly identified with its radar echo before any radar information is given and repeat checks of its position should be made at regular intervals, VHF D/F may assist in the solution of this problem. Use of the Standard Marine Vocabulary will help to overcome language difficulties. Sections 10 and 11 of Chapter B are particularly relevant.
5.2.2 Care is to be taken to indicate that bearing, distance, course and speed information is approximate. True or quadrantal bearings should be used when informing a vessel about know echoes in her vicinity. Phrases such as "ahead/astern of you" or "on your port/starboard side" are not to be used. When a vessel which has requested navigational information has been identified and correlated with her radar echo it will often be sufficient to inform her of her position relative to a well known navigation mark.
5.3   VHF D/F
5.3.1 One of the uses of VHF D/F equipment to the CNIS is to assist in the identification of vessel seeking navigational information. This is not to be allowed to conflict with the use of the equipment for SAR purposes. It is therefore required that VHF D/F equipment shall normally be set to monitor Channel 16 for the D/F of MAYDAY and PAN messages.
6.1.1 The principle method of identification will normally be self notification by vessels joining the scheme and reporting to either CROSS GRIS NEZ or MRCC DOVER as required by mandatory reporting regulations. Alternative methods are identification by other vessels or identification by dedicated Emergency Towing Vessel or by aircraft.
6.1.2 Priority for identification is to be given to rogues in the Sandettie deep-water route, through rogues and to large rogue echoes.
6.2.1 Irrespective of the national origin of the track or the identification information, reports of contraventions of the Collision Regulations are to be submitted as follows to appropriate national authority.
a. Contravening vessels of UK and French registration - by CNIS and SINM respectively.
b. Contravening vessels of other Flags - in accordance with the lane or zone in which the contravention begins:
CNIS (G Rogues):
South West Lane, UK Inshore Traffic Zone and DWR (NEL but UK Waters F Rogue)
SINM (F Rogues):
North East Lane and French Inshore Traffic Zone
6.2.2 The Centre holding prime responsibility is to be known as the IDENTIFICATION ACA and the other Centre as the IDENTIFICATION ALA in accordance with MANCHEPLAN practice.
6.2.3 IDENTIFICATION ACA responsibilities are not to be transferred except in situations such as equipment breakdown, and regardless of whether a rogue enters the opposite traffic lane prior to identification.
6.2.4 Tracking is to be continued until the identification has been performed or has been abandoned.
If no identification is possible tracking responsibility is to cease at the point where a vessel ceases to be a rogue.
6.3.1 In the case of identified rogues which have not given an explanation (paragraph 3.6.1) the following formula should be transmitted:
"Your track appears to be be contrary to the Collision Regulations. Rule 10 requires that you should:
(a) cross the lane at right angles or as near as practicable
(b) proceed with the main traffic flow・・・(or as appropriate to the case).
Is this understood?"
6.3.2 If the vessel does not conform or if her signals indicate that she will not conform the formula may be repeated. If the vessel continues to contravene the following formula is to be used:
"Your failure to comply with Rule 10 has been/will be recorded and will be reported to the appropriate authority".
6.3.3 It is not possible to cover all contingencies and officers must be mindful of the requirement to assist Masters. In the case of crossing rogues care must be taken to ensure that it would be safe to steer at right angles.
6.4.1 When a rogue has been identified the controlling Centre receiving the identification report is to obtain from the identifying unit and pass the following information to the other Centre:
Port of Registry and Flag:
Identification position and time:
Estimated course and speed at the time of identification:
Name and Call Sign of the identifying unit or other authority:
6.4.2 The degree of certainty which can be attached to the identification of a rogue is to be expressed as follows:
POSITIVE: No likelihood of a wrong ship having been identified:
a. Echoes of target and Identification unit observed on top/merged/close on completion of interception.
b. Visual identification by Centre or competent shore authority AND checked by radar.
PROBABLE: An element of doubt.
DOUBTFUL: Several elements of doubt.
6.4.3 Names and ports of Registry are invariably to be confirmed by the controlling Centre against available registers and lists immediately on receipt from the identification unit or authority in order to allow the best chance of inaccuracies being corrected before disengagement or loss of contact with the target.
6.4.4 Follow-up action will not normally be taken on identifications which are of lower classification than POSITIVE, or which cannot be confirmed in accordance with 6.4.3. Centres are, however, to report PROBABLE and CONFIRMED identifications to their appropriate authorities when it is judged that follow-up action may be considered in the case of a serious contravention.
