日本財団 図書館

添付資料 12
Resotution of the 1st ISO/TC8/SC8 Plenary Meeting
Busan - Republic of Korea - 2002 - 10 - 21
Resolution 1
SC8 adopts the Draft Agenda in document ISO/TC8/SC8 N34 R1 as agenda for the 1st Plenary Meeting.
Resolution 2
SC8 appoints the following members to the drafting committee; Mr. Howard Hime (USA). Mr. Victor Carrell (United Kingdom), and Mt. Byeong Cheol Choi (SC8 Secretary).
Resolution 3
SC8 took note that Romania failed to vote on two consecutive ballots and requests the ISO/CS to remind Romania of their obligation, as P-member, to vote.
Resolution 4
SC8 discussed possible proposals for new work items and agrees to the preparation of new work item preposals to address hull stress monitoring systems, strength assessment of ship's structures, corrosion protection systems for seawater ballast tanks, and composite materials.
Resolution 5
SC8 thanks Mr. Won Kyo Suh and Mr. Maeng Ho Oh, Korean Agency for Technology & Standards, for the excellent facilities provided for the 1st Plenary Meeting in Korea [Republic of].
Resolutions No. 1 to No. 5 are approved by the committee members.
添付資料 13
List of IMO-link-NR's
3 Bulk carrier safety
SOLAS 11-1 , Part B-2
[08.20] ISO 15401: 2000
[08.21] ISO 15402: 2000
8 Fire resistant constructions
SOLAS 1974, 11, Reg.3
[08.15] ISO 5797-1 : 1989
28 Guidelines for the on-board use of composite materials
[08.01] ISO 614: 1989
33 Hull stress monitoring system
MSC/DE, MSC/Circ.646
[08.23] PWI Hull stress monitoring systems (HSMS)/Voyage data recorder
35 Corrosion prevention system for seawater ballast tanks
DE/correspondence group
SOLAS Reg 11-1/14-1
[08.24] PWI Corrosion prevention systems for seawater ballast tanks
41 Intact stability of double hull tankers
SLF, MARPOL 73/78, Annex l, Reg. 25A
[08.12] ISO 5778: 1998
56 Wash bulkheads in cargo tanks for double hull oil tankers
MEPC 38, 96-07-01/10
[08.17] ISO 6042: 1998
