日本財団 図書館

添付資料 11
Systematic review list
ISO/IEC Directives Supplement(Fourth edition, 2001)
2.9 Maintenance of standards
2.9.1 Introduction
Every International Standard published by ISO shall be subject to systematic review within 5 years by the secretariat of the responsible committee in order to determine whether it should be confirmed, revised/amended, converted to another form of deliverable, or withdrawn.
2.9.2 Ballots
The ballot period is 6 months. (from January 1 to June 30, each year)
The replies of the ISO members shall be submitted to the committee secretariat not to ISO Central Secretariat using ISO Form 20.
No more than 6 months after the ballot closes a report of the results of the systematic review and proposed decisions based on these results shall be submitted by the secretariat of the technical committee or subcommittee to the committee members and to ISO Central Secretariat using ISO Form 21.
2.9.3 Interpretation of ballot results General
Typically, a decision as to the appropriate action to take following a systematic review shall be based on a simple majority of P-members voting for a specific action.
Year 2002
[08.07] ISO 3797:1976 Shipbuilding - Vertical steel ladders
  (confirmed 2002, taken over from SC 4)
[08.13] ISO 5779:1987 Shipbuilding - Ordinary rectangular windows - Positioning(confirmed 2002)
[08.14] ISO 5780:1987 Shipbuilding - Side scuttles - Positioning
  (confirmed 2002)
[08.19] ISO 9519:1990 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Rungs for dog-step ladders
  (EN 29519:1993, CEN/TC15, confirmed 2002, taken over from SC4)
Year 2003
[08.03] ISO 1751:1993 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Ships' side scuttles
  (2nd edition, confirmed 1998, comment from Denmark for consideration at next revision)
[08.09] ISO 3903:1993 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Ships' ordinary rectangular windows
  (2nd edition, confirmed 1998, comment from Denmark for consideration at next revision)
[08.12] ISO 5778:1998 Ships and marine technology - Small weathertight steel hatches
  (IMO-link-NR41, 2nd edition, CEN/TC300 : EN ISO 5778:2000)
[08.17] ISO 6042:1998 Ships and marine technology - Weathertight single-leaf steel doors
  (IMO-link-NR56, 2nd edition, CEN/TC300 : EN ISO 6042:2000)
Year 2004
[08.01] ISO 614:1989 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Toughened safety glass panes for rectangular windows and side scuttles - Punch method of non-destructive strength testing
  (IMO-link-NR28, 3rd edition, confirmed 1999)
[08.06] ISO 3796:1999 Ships and marine technology - Clear openings for external single-leaf doors
  (2nd edition, CEN/TC300, EN ISO 3796:2001)
[08.16] ISO 5894:1999 Ships and marine technology - Manholes with bolted covers (2nd edition)
Year 2005
[08.08] ISO 3902:1990 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Gaskets for rectangular windows and side scuttles
  (2nd edition, confirmed 2000)
[08.10] ISO 3904:1990 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Clear-view screens
  (2nd edition, confirmed 2000)
[08.11] ISO 5480:1979 Shipbuilding - Guard rails for cargo ships
  (confirmed 2000, comment from Germany for consideration at next revision)
[08.18] ISO 6345:1990 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Windows and side
  scuttles - Vocabulary
  (confirmed 2000)
[08.20] ISO 15401:2000 Ships and marine technology - Bulk carriers - Construction quality of hull structure
[08.21] ISO 15402:2000 Ships and marine technology - Bulk carriers - Repair quality of hull structure
Year 2006
There are no standards to be systematically reviewed.
Year 2007
[08.07] ISO 3797:1976 Shipbuilding - Vertical steel ladders
[08.13] ISO 5779:1987 Shipbuilding - Ordinary rectangular windows - Positioning
[08.14] ISO 5780:1987 Shipbuilding - Side scuttles - Positioning
[08.19] ISO 9519:1990 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Rungs for dog-step ladders
