日本財団 図書館

SO/TC 8/SC 8
添付資料番号 資料名称 備考
1. SC 8 N 34 R1 Notice of meeting/Draft agenda WORDファイル
2. − SC 8釜山会議出席者一覧 pdfファイル
3. − Report of ISO/TC 8/SC 8 "Structure" WORDファイル
4. SC8 N35 Result of systematic review of ISO standard ISO 3797 Shipbuilding - Vertical steel ladders WORDファイル
5. SC8 N36 Result of systematic review of ISO standard ISO 5779 Shipbuilding - Ordinary rectangular windows - Positioning WORDファイル
6. SC8 N37 Result of systematic review of ISO standard ISO 5780 Shipbuilding - Ordinary side scuttles - Positioning WORDファイル
7. SC8 N38 Result of systematic review of ISO standard ISO 9519 Shipbuilding and marine structure - Rungs for dog-step ladders WORDファイル
8. SC8 N39 R1 Preliminary List of the 1st ISO/TC8/SC8 Plenary Meeting Busan - Republic of Korea - 2002 -10-21 pdfファイル
9. SC8 N40 Target dates on work items under consideration WORDファイル
10. SC 8 N 41 Summary of Voting WORDファイル
11. SC 8 N 42 Systematic review list/SC Pdfファイル
12. SC 8 N 43 Resolution of the 1st ISO/TC8/SC8 Plenary Meeting Busan-Republic of Korea-2002-10-21 Pdfファイル
13. − List of IMO-link-NR's Pdfファイル
添付資料 1
ISO/TC8/SC8 N34 R1
Draft Agenda
1ST ISO/TC8/SC8 Plenary Meeting, Republic of Korea, 2002-10-21
1. Opening of the meeting(09:00)
2. Roll call of participants
2.1 Preliminary list of participants
2.2 Status of Membership Report of
SC8/Item 3
3. Adoption of the agenda N34
4. Appointment of Editing Committee
5. Report of SC8 work progress by the secretariat
5.1 On-going projects Report of SC8/Item 5.2,
5.2 Result of voting on systematic review N35, N36, N37,
5.3 Summary of voting status
6. Items for future work
6.1 New Work Items Report of SC8/Item
6.2 Committee discussion of Work Program
7. Any other business
8. Future meeting
9. Approval of Resolutions
10. Closure of the meeting
