ISO/TC 8/SC 1 N 138 |
1. Opening of the meeting (09:00) |
1. Ouveature de la r union (09:00) |
2. Roll call of delegates |
2. Appel des d l gu s |
3. Adoption of the agenda |
3. Adoption de l'ordre du jour |
Doc. ISO/TC 8/SC 1 N 138 |
4. Appointment of the drafting committee |
4. D signation du comit de r daction |
5. Report of the Secretariat |
5. Rapport du secr tariat |
5.1 Status of an items of the programme of work and acticn to be taken |
5.1 Statut de toute question inscrite au programme de travail et suite donner |
6. Report of the working groups |
6. Rapport des groupes de travail |
7. Discussion of committee drafts |
7. Discussion sur les projets de comit |
8. Development of draft standards |
8. D veloppement de prejets de normes |
8.1 Position-indicating lights for life-saving appliances - Testing. inspection, and marking of production units |
8.2 Thermal protective aids |
8.3 Survival equipment for survival craft and rescue boats |
8.4 Pyrotechnic life-saving appliances - Testing, inspection, and marking of production units |
8.5 Amendment of ISO 7061 (Aluminium shore gangways for seagoing vessels) |
8.6 Shipboard fire-fighters' outfits (protective clothing; gloves, boots, and helmet) |
8.7 Breathing apparatus for ships |
8.8 Design, location, and use of shipboard signs for fire protection, life-saving appliances, and means of escape |
9. Items for future work |
9. Questions pour les travaux futurs |
9.1 Performance testing and approval standards for fire safety systems |
10. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting |
10. Conditions requises pour la prochaine r union |
11. Any other business |
11. Divers |
12. Approval of resolutions |
12. Approbation des r solutions |
13. Closure of the meeting |
13. Cl ture de la r union |