・Italicized where they appear in text.
・Always expressed in the same manner
・Do not include requirements; they provide a description
・Will generally use writing style of 1992 A117.1.
・No nonmandatory language will be used.
・Major Subdivisions will be by Chapter: (Chapter 3).
・Chapters will be divided by Sections: (Section 304).
・Sections will be divided by Sub-sections: (Section 304.5).
・Subsections will be divided as necessary: (Section 304.5.6.7).
・Subdivisions will not exceed 5 decimals.
・Tables and Figures shall be numbered based on their referenced section: (Table 304.5). (Figure 304.5.6).
・Sections or chapters will not be skipped or "reserved" for possible future provisions.
・Figures and commentary (appendix) language shall be presented in close proximity to, but clearly separated from, the corresponding technical or scoping provision, and shall be clearly identified as non-mandatory.
The Access Board should develop new figures for use with the revised ADAAG. Existing figures should be reviewed, improved, and edited or deleted as appropriate. New figures should be developed where appropriate.
ADAAG Commentary (Appendix)
The Committee recommends that the Access Board develop a comprehensive new commentary for the revised ADAAG. The Committee did not attempt to fully review or study existing "Appendix" language, or to draft new commentary language related to all revised ADAAG sections. However, the work of the Committee has created several sources of information that the Access Board should utilize in the development of the commentary, as follows:
・Editorial Side-by Side. This document was prepared by the Editorial Subcommittee to clearly separate "scoping", "technical and mother" provisions in current ADAAG. The "other" text includes commentary language in numerous locations, including examples, recommendations, or explanations.
・Committee Report- The December 1995 Final subcommittee reports contain the most comprehensive accumulation of committee rationale for recommended revisions to current ADAAG. In addition, some committee actions included specific recommendations for commentary text.
・Current ADAAG Appendix. Portions of the current appendix will still likely be appropriate as commentary for the revised guidelines.
・Approved Committee Challenges. Approved committee challenges (from February 1996) include a rationale for the challenge, and some challenges included specific recommendations for commentary text.
・Harmonization and Editorial Meeting Results. In a few cases, the committee made specific commentary recommendations at the harmonization (July 1996) and Editorial (August 1996) meetings.
Specific Commentary Actions
The following includes all instances where the Full Committee recommends a specific action to the current appendix (new commentary).
Editorial Meeting - August 1996
201.3 Temporary Structures. Move existing sentence from 4.1.1 (4) of current ADAAG to commentary. "Temporary buildings and facilities are not of permanent construction..."
1004.3 Terminal Information Systems. Move two sentences from current ADAAG 10.4.1(6) to commentary. "Such methods may include..."; For persons with certain types ..."
Harmonization Meeting-July 1996 "Clear floor space accommodates a single stationary wheelchair and occupant."
4.27 Braille. "Case: The first letter of proper nouns and names and individual letters of the alphabet shall be displayed in uppercase Braille."
4.33.6 Assistive Listening Systems. Placement - address placement of fixed seats served by systems.
4.33.7 Assistive Listening Systems. Intent, types of systems. Full paragraph from current ADAAG.
Challenges - February 1996
4.6.4 (Challenge C-33) Access Aisles. "Diagonal stripes, other means of clearly differentiating access aisles from parking spaces, or signs prohibiting parking in access aisles are examples of methods of discouraging parking in access aisles."
10.3.1 (5) (Challenge C-54) Station identification Signs. "Station identification signs should be placed at intervals in the station such that passengers in the vehicle will be able to see one when the vehicle is either stopped at the station or about to come to a stop in the station."
4.33.3 (Challenge CC-8) Dispersion of Wheelchair spaces. "This requirement should not be misinterpreted as a reverse scoping requirement on upper floor levels whether or not such elevator access is required by 4.1.3(5)."
4.28.3 (Challenge CC-7) Alarms. Develop text consistent with issues addressed in text approved by committee re: reasonable accommodation of employee by adding or removing visual alarm; potential effect of "cumulative" flash rate on persons with photosensitivity; sources of additional information.
Accessible Route Subcommittee Final Report - December 1995
4.1.3(8)(b) Current ADAAG text. "Because entrances also serve as emergency exits ..., it is preferable that all entrances be accessible." Committee notes point out that entrances are not always exits.
4.1.3(21) Current ADAAG text. "Examples of types of dressing rooms..."
4.5.1 Carpets. Delete all specific recommendations regarding slip resistance criteria. (Was approved by committee prior to December 1995 final report.)
Communications Subcommittee Final Report - December 1995
1.0 Purpose. "This document does not contain technical criteria to specifically address the needs of persons with cognitive disabilities."
3.5 Definitions. Element - List of examples of elements.
3.5 Definitions. Sign - "Audible signs can be useful for presentation of certain information. Examples are wayfinding in cases where the destination is clearly visible or as a supplement to visual signs."
4.1.3(16)(a) Signs. "The use of pictograms and consistent, clear terms such as..." Committee report page 6.
4.34.1 General. "The equipment should not prevent users, including those with vision impairments..." Committee report page 49.
4.34.3 Input. "Private input means it is intended for the use of one individual at a time." Keys. "It is intended that the user will hear a sound or discern a difference..." Committee report page 51.
4.34.4 Output. "Private output means it is intended for the use of one individual at a time." Operating Instructions. "Verification of the PIN entered is considered to be achieved by the execution of the transaction. PIN Numbers should not ..." Committee report page 54.
Special Occupancies Committee Final Report - December 1995
4.1.2(5)(e) Valet parking - "In rare cases where self-parking
facilities are not possible..." Committee report page SO-P6.
4.6.3 Universal parking space - coordinate signs. Committee
report page SO-P6.
4.6.4 Access Aisles. Coordinate access aisle language with text added by challenge. Committee report page SO-P7.
6.3(2) "In rooms with more than one bed, it is preferable that this space be located between beds." Relocated current ADAAG text.
4.1.1 (3) Examples of work areas. Note: this was moved to commentary by Challenge S-5, but was never coordinated with the final Full Committee recommendation for "work stations." Committee report page SO-M5.
Transient Lodging
9.1.4 Room dispersion factors, Equivalent facilitation text. Challenge S-23 moved all to commentary. Committee report page SO-TL5,6.
Sales and Service
4.1.3(21) "Examples of types of dressing rooms are those serving different genders or distinct and different functions as in different treatment or examination facilities." Committee report page SO-S&S-11.
5.5 "Food service lines."...with a preferred clear width of 42 in (1065 mm) to allow passage around a person using a wheelchair." Committee report page SO-S&S-11.
7.2(3) Assistive Listening Systems. Relocate existing appendix text. Committee report page SO-S&S-11.
7.3 Check-out Aisles. "Examples of check-out aisles of different "design" include ..." Relocated from current 7.3 Committee report page SO-S&S-11.
8.4 Card Catalogs. Move preferred height to commentary. Committee report page SO-S&S-11.
8.5 Stacks. Move preferred aisle width to commentary. Committee report page SO-S&S-11.
4.1.3(5) Add "stage lifts" to existing appendix text. Paragraph addressing current ADAAG exception 4 should be deleted - Committee deleted exception. Committee report page SO-A-11.
4.1.3(19)(a) Removable seat text - relocated. Committee report page SO-A-11.
4.1.3(19)(a) Seats with folding or removable armrests - delete. Committee report page SO-A-11.
4.33.1 Assembly seating. Minimum number - new paragraph. Committee report page SO-A-12.
4.33.2 Size of wheelchair spaces. Explanation of overlapping spaces. Committee
report page SO-A-12.
4.33.2(3) Companion seating. "Companion seating is permitted to be furniture, fixed seating, removable or relocatable seating." Committee report page SO-A-12.
4.33.3 Revise title. (Coordinate with final report.) Committee report page SO-A-13.
4.33.3(4) Removable seats - relocated from 4.1.3(19)(a). - Note: Full committee deleted text addressing removable seats from guidelines. Committee report page SO-A-13.
4.33.3(3) Access to Performing Areas. Committee report page SO-A-13.
Metric Conversions
All dimensions shall be converted to equivalent metric dimensions in accordance with the following criteria:
Foot-inch dimension |
Metric Rounding tolerance (Inches times 25.4, and round to:) |
< ス inch |
Nearest tenth of a millimeter |
ス inch to < 3 inches |
Nearest millimeter |
3 inches to < 10 feet |
Nearest 5 millimeters |
10 feet to < approx. 33 feet |
Nearest 10 millimeters |
Approx. 33 feet and greater |
Nearest meter (where conversion exceeds 10,000 mm) |
Expression of Foot-Inch Dimensions
< ス inch |
Expressed either as a fraction or decimal of an inch. Decimals shall not exceed three significant digits.(0.000) |
ス inch to ?? 120 inches (10 feet) |
Expressed in inches, with fractions of inches where applicable. |
> 120 inches (10 feet) |
Expressed in feet without inches or decimals or expressed in inches |
Expression of Metric Dimensions
< 10,000 mm (10 m) |
Expressed in millimeters |
10,000 mm (10 m) or greater |
Expressed in meters |
Dimensions shall either be "minimum", "maximum", or shall be considered absolute. No dimensions shall be stated as "nominal."