208 Parking Spaces
208.1 General. Where parking spaces are provided,
accessible parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with 208.
208.2 Number Required. Accessible parking spaces
shall be provided in accordance with Table 208.2, except as required by 208.2.1,
and shall comply with 502.
Table 208.2 Accessible Parking Spaces
Total Number of Parking Spaces |
Minimum Required Number of Accessible Spaces |
1 to 25 |
1 |
26 to 50 |
2 |
51 to 75 |
3 |
76 to 100 |
4 |
101 to 150 |
5 |
151 to 200 |
6 |
201 to 300 |
7 |
301 to 400 |
8 |
401 to 500 |
9 |
501 to 1000 |
2 percent of total |
1001 and over |
20, plus 1 for each 100 over 1000 |
208.2.1 Rehabilitation Facilities and Outpatient
Physical Therapy Facilities. Twenty percent of patient and visitor parking
spaces provided at rehabilitation facilities and outpatient physical therapy facilities
shall be accessible.
208.2.2 Van Parking Spaces. For every eight or
fraction of eight accessible parking spaces required by 208.2 and 208.2.1, at
least one shall be a van parking space complying with 502.
208.3 Identification. Accessible parking spaces
shall be identified by signs complying with 502.6.
EXCEPTION: Where a total of five or less parking spaces are provided.
208.4 Location. Accessible parking spaces serving
a particular building shall be located on the shortest accessible route from adjacent
parking to an accessible entrance. In buildings with multiple accessible entrances
with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located
closest to the accessible entrances. In parking facilities that do not serve a
particular building, accessible parking spaces shall be located on the shortest
accessible route to an accessible pedestrian entrance of the parking facility.
Accessible parking spaces shall be permitted to be located in different lots if
equivalent or greater accessibility is provided In terms of distance from an accessible
entrance, cost and convenience.
EXCEPTION: All van parking spaces shall be permitted to be grouped on one level of a parking structure.
209 Passenger Loading Zones
209.1 General. Where passenger loading zones
are provided, they shall comply with 503.
209.2 Medical Facilities. A passenger loading
zone shall be provided at an accessible entrance to licensed medical and long-term
care facilities where people receive physical or medical treatment or care and
where the period of stay exceeds 24 hours.
209.3 Valet Parking: Valet parking services shall
provide a passenger loading zone.
210 Stairways
210.1 General. Interior and exterior stairs that
are part of a means of egress shall comply with 504.
EXCEPTION: In alterations, Interior or exterior stairs between levels that are connected by an accessible route are not required to comply with 504.
210.2 Required Alterations. Where stair alterations
are required by building and safety codes to correct unsafe conditions, the alteration
shall comply with 504 unless technically infeasible or exempted by 210.1.
211 Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers
211.1 General. Where fixed drinking fountains
or water coolers are provided, at least 50%, but not less than one, of such units
provided on each floor shall comply with 602.
212 Sinks
212.1 General. Where sinks are provided, at least
5%, but not less than one, provided in accessible spaces shall comply with 606.
EXCEPTION: Mop or service sinks are not required to be accessible.
213 Toilet and Bathing Facilities
213.1 General. Where toilet or bathing facilities
are provided, they shall comply with 213. Where toilet or bathing facilities are
provided on an inaccessible level, toilet and bathing facilities shall also be
provided on an accessible level.
213.2 Toilet and Bathing Rooms. Where toilet
rooms are provided, each toilet room shall comply with 503. Where bathing
rooms are provided, each bathing room shall comply with 603.
1. In alterations where it is technically infeasible to comply with 603, altering existing toilet or bathing rooms is not required where a single unisex toilet room or bathing room complying with 213.2.1 is provided and located in the same area and on the same floor as existing inaccessible toilet or bathing rooms.
2. Where alternative requirements are permitted by 202.5 in alterations to qualified historic buildings and facilities and toilet rooms are provided, not less than one toilet room complying with 603 or a unisex room complying with 213.2.1 shall be provided.
3. Where multiple single user portable toilet or bathing units are clustered at a single location, at least 5%, but not less than one toilet unit or bathing unit at each cluster shall comply with 603. Accessible units shall be identified by the international Symbol of Accessibility complying with 703.7.
4. Where multiple single user toilet rooms are clustered at a single location and contain fixtures in excess of the minimum required number of plumbing fixtures, at least 5%, but not less than one room for each use at each cluster shall comply with 603. Accessible rooms shall be identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with 703.7.
213.2.1 Unisex Toilet and Bathing Rooms. A unisex
toilet room shall comply with 603, shall contain one water closet and one
lavatory, and the door shall have a privacy latch. A unisex bathing room shall
comply with 603 and shall contain at least one shower or bathtub.
213.2.2 Signs. Where existing toilet or bathing
rooms are altered and not made accessible, directional signs indicating the location
of the nearest accessible toilet or bathing room within the facility shall be
provided. Such signs shall comply with 703.4 and shall include the international
Symbol of Accessibility complying with 703.7. Where existing toilet or
bathing rooms are altered and not made accessible, the accessible toilet or bathing
room shall be identified by the international Symbol of Accessibility complying
with 703.7.
213.3 Fixtures and Accessories. Plumbing fixtures
and accessories provided in toilet or bathing rooms required to be accessible
by 213.2 shall comply with 213.3.1 through 213.3.7.
213.3.1 Toilet Compartments. Where toilet compartments
are provided, at least one shall be a wheelchair accessible compartment complying
with 604.8.1. Where six or more toilet compartments are provided, an ambulatory
accessible compartment complying with 604.8.2 shall be provided in addition
to the compartment complying with 604.8.1. Water closets in such compartments
shall comply with 604.
213.3.2 Water Closets. Where water closets are
provided, but are not in toilet compartments, at least one shall comply with 604.
213.3.3 Urinals. Where urinals are provided,
at least one shall comply with 605.
213.3.4 Lavatories. Where lavatories are provided,
at least one shall comply with 606. Where only one accessible lavatory
is provided, it shall not be located in a toilet compartment.
213.3.5 Mirrors. Where mirrors are provided,
at least one shall comply with 603.3.
213.3.6 Controls and Dispensers. Where controls,
dispensers, receptacles or other equipment is provided, at least one of each type
shall comply with 309.
213.3.7 Bathing Facilities. Where bathtubs or
showers are provided, at least one bathtub complying with 607 or at least
one shower complying with 608 shall be provided.
214 Laundry Equipment
214.1 General. Where washing machines or clothes
dryers are provided in spaces required to be accessible, at least one of each
type shall comply with 611.
215 Fire Alarm Systems
215.1 General. Where fire alarm systems are provided
in public-use or common-use areas to alert occupants, the alarm shall provide
both audible and visual signals complying with 702. Guest rooms required
by 224 to have accessible alarms shall comply with 702.3.6.
EXCEPTION: Visual alarms complying with 702 are not required in alterations, except where an existing fire alarm system is upgraded or replaced, or a new fire alarm system is installed.
216 Signs
216.1 General. Signs shall be provided in accordance
with 216 and shall comply with 703.
216.2 Permanent Designations. Where exterior
signs are provided as permanent designations of permanent interior rooms and spaces
at the door to the space they serve, the signs shall be tactile and shall comply
with 703.2. Where interior signs are provided as permanent designations
of permanent interior rooms and spaces, the signs shall be tactile and shall comply
with 703.2. Where pictograms are provided as permanent designations of
permanent interior rooms and spaces, the pictograms shall comply with 703.6and
shall have tactile text descriptors complying with 703.2.
216.3 Directional and Informational Signs. Signs
which provide direction to, or information about, permanent interior spaces of
the site and facilities shall comply with 703.4.
EXCEPTION: Building directories, personnel names, company or occupant names and logos, menus and temporary signs are not required to comply with 703.4.
216.4 Exit Doors. Exit doors shall be identified
by tactile signs complying with 703.2.
217 Telephones
217.1 General. Where public pay telephones, public
closed-circuit telephones, or other types of public telephones are provided, accessible
public telephones shall be provided in accordance with 217 for each type of public
telephone provided. For purposes of this section, a bank of telephones shall be
considered two or more adjacent telephones.
217.2 Wheelchair Accessible Telephones. Where
public telephones are provided, wheelchair accessible telephones complying with
704.2 shall be provided in accordance with Table 217.2.
Table 217.2 Wheelchair Accessible Telephones
No. of Telephones on a Floor or Level |
Minimum No. Wheelchair Accessible Telephones |
1 or more single unit |
1 per floor or level |
1 bank |
1 per floor or level |
2 or more banks |
1 per bank1 |
217.3 Volume Controls. All wheelchair accessible
telephones required by 217.2 and 25 percent, but not less than one, of all other
public telephones provided shall have volume control complying with 704.3. Such
telephones shall be identified by signs containing pictograms of a telephone handset
with radiating sound waves complying with 703.7.
EXCEPTION: Pictograms are not required where all public telephones have volume control.
217.4 TTYs. TTYs complying with 704.4 shall be
provided in accordance with 217.4.1 through 217.4.8.
217.4.1 Bank Requirement. Where four or more
public pay telephones are provided at a bank of telephones. at least one public
TTY shall be provided at that bank.
EXCEPTION: TTYs are not required at banks of telephones
located within 200 feet of, and on the same floor as. a bank containing a public
217.4.2 Floor Requirement. Where four or more
public pay telephones are provided on a floor of a building, at least one public
TTY shall be provided on that floor.
217.4.3 Building Requirement. Where four or more
public pay telephones are provided in a building, at least one public TTY shall
be provided in the building.
217.4.4 Site Requirement. Where four or more
public pay telephones are provided on a site, at least one public TTY shall be
provided on the site.
217.4.5 Rest Stops, Emergency Roadstops, and Service
Plazas. Where a public pay telephone is provided at a public rest stop, emergency
roadstop or service plaza, at least one public TTY shall be provided.
217.4.6 Hospitals. Where a public pay telephone
is provided in or adjacent to a hospital emergency room, hospital recovery room,
or hospital waiting room, at least one public TTY shall be provided at each such
217.4.7 Transportation Facilities. Transportation
facilities shall be provided with TTYs in accordance with 1003.2.6 and
1004.2 in addition to the TTYs required by 217.4.1 through 217.4.4.
217.4.8 Signs. Public TTYs shall be identified
by the International Symbol of TTY complying with 703.7. Directional signs indicating
the location of the nearest public TTY shall be provided at all banks of public
pay telephones not containing a public TTY. Such signs shall comply with 703.4
and shall include the international Symbol of TTY complying with 703.7.
217.5 Shelves for Portable TTYs. Where a bank
of telephones in the interior of a building consists of three or more public pay
telephones, at least one public pay telephone at the bank shall be provided with
a shelf and an electrical outlet in accordance with 704.5.
218 Transportation Facilities
218.1 General. Transportation facilities shall
comply with Chapter 10.
219 Assistive Listening Systems
219.1 General. Assistive listening systems shall
be provided in accordance with 219 and shall comply with 706.
219.2 Required Systems. Assembly areas having
fixed seating shall have an assistive listening system where the area is equipped
with an audio amplification system or the area has a capacity of 50 or more persons.
Other assembly areas shall have an assistive listening system. or an adequate
number of electrical outlets or other supplementary wiring necessary to support
a portable assistive listening system.
219.3 Receivers. Receivers complying with 706.4
shall be provided for assistive listening systems in accordance with Table 219.3.
Twenty five percent of receivers. but not less than two, shall be hearing aid
compatible in accordance with 706.5.
Table 219.3 Receivers for Assistive Listening Systems
Fixed Seating in Assembly Area |
Minimum Required Number of Receivers |
50 or less |
2 |
51 to 500 |
2, plus 4 for each total seating capacity increase of 100 above 51 |
501 to 1000 |
20, plus 3 for each total seating capacity increase of 100 above 501 |
1001 to 2000 |
35, plus 2 for each total seating capacity increase of 100 above 1001 |
over 2000 |
55, plus 1 for each total seating capacity increase of 100 above 2000 |
219.4 Signs. Where assistive listening systems
are provided. signs shall be provided to inform patrons of the availability of
the system. The signs shall be located at ticket offices or windows, where ticket
offices or windows are provided. The signs shall comply with 703.4and shall
include the International Symbol of Access for Hearing Loss complying with 703.7.
220 Automatic Teller Machines and Fare Machines
220.1 General. Where automatic teller machines
or self-service fare vending, collection, or adjustment machines are provided,
at least one machine of each type at each location where such machines are provided
shall comply with 707. Where bins are provided for envelopes, waste paper,
or other purposes, at least one of each type shall comply with 905.
Note. |
1. At least one telephone per floor shall provide a forward approach complying with 704.2.1.2, except for exterior installations where dial tone first service is available. |